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dc.contributor.authorAnggraeni, Dian Asti
dc.contributor.authorEndriyati, Rita
dc.contributor.authorPratolo, Bambang Widi
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dc.description.abstractEFL teachers need to create chances and opportunities for their students to be able to use English as much as possible. They need to design the teaching learning proses and the assessment that can make the students speak spontaneously in English and show their English proficiency level. However, assessing spoken language is not easy. The students could experience some stress, nervous, or unconfident when they aware that they become focus of their teacher‟s or their friends‟ attention. As a result their English proficiency during the assessment was not their real capability. Students‟ perception and students‟ involvement should be considered in order to make the teaching and learning process will be more effective and efficient. The research purpose was to find out about the EFL students‟ perceptions of the implementation of oral assessment in English Classroom in higher education context. Descriptive analysis was applied for this research. The Data were obtained from a Google form questionnaire and depth interview. 65 students were asked to complete questionnaire and 7 students were interviewed. The result of the research is the students‟ perception of oral assessment is positive but it should be followed by the adequate time to prepare to reduce the anxiety factor and the scoring criteria should be clear.id_ID
dc.publisherProceeding of The 2nd ICoLLiT (International Conference on Language, Literature and Teaching) 2019id_ID
dc.titleOral Assessment in EFL Class: Is it a burden?id_ID

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