The special target from this activity is given the skill to student hight
scholl which its poor parent,so that after passing them can use its skill to
work the entrepreneur. This activity executed in Sukodono hight school,
by the subjek of the class student 3. The election of student of participant
of skill practice by counselor, and headmaster, with the conditions majored
by the girl student, coming from poor family. The training conducted by
with the partner pattern, its student delivered to UKM Sukowati, around
the school for the practice of skill and work training. During the student
at half one month reside in the field, they conduct the skill practice,
grounding. The conclution of the ativity: 1) participant of skill practice
from SMA Sukodono 20 student, 14 student follow the skill sew, 4 student
follow ghe skill sablon and two student follow the workshop skill, 2)
Based at half one monev done by region of Jateng and executor concluded:
a) student of participant of skill activity sew have owned the skill make
the pattern, cutting, sewing, installing resluiting, latch the clothes, in brief
have earned to make the clothes, b) participant of skill sablon have earned
the nyablon, sewing kaos and student of participant of workshop activity
have earned to detect and improve repair the natural machine trouble,
3) if finish hight scholl them, there are blazed the way of the entrepreneur.