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dc.contributor.authorAriffin, Zainal
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dc.description.abstractThis is a classroom action research. Its title was English Communication Competency Improvement on Spoken and Written Narrative Text Through “VCD Cutting” Media inMTs PPMI Assalaam Sukoharjo. The aim of this action research was to improve students’ English learning result. The learning process was implemented with two cycles (modes), spoken and written English. Each cycle covered four steps, namely “Building Knowledge of the field, “Modeling Text”, “Joint Construction of the Text”and “Independent/ Individual Construction of the Text. The implementation of these steps wasdivided into 3 cycles in action research, cycle I, II and III. Each cycle covered: Planning, Implementation, Observation and Reflection. The research area covered: 1) Genre: Narrative Text for students of Grade VII Language Program, semester 1. 2) The problems proposed: How to improve students’ creativity, activities, and scores to express and response meaning in monolog text in spoken and written accurately and acceptably on narrative text. This research is for students ofMTs PPMI Assalaamgrade VIII. Motivation and scientific attitude was measured with questionnaires. Activities and skill process to communicate in spoken and written were measured with rubric assessment when they presented their group work of narrative reaching the Joint Construction of the Text. It was typed in Power Point completed with animation, sound, color, the depth of the material and “VCD Cutting”. Cognitive domain was measured with pre-test and post-test. The results of the research were as follows: The result of the test in cycle I was 63 <= SKBM (School Passing Grade 64), it didn’t fulfill the action achievement indicator. In cycle II, III fulfilled the action achievement indicator >= SKBM (School Passing Grade 65). The students’ average score were 71 in Cycle II and 79 in cycle III. Students’ motivation and sciencetific result fulfill the achievement indicator. There were 26 out of 30 students gave positive response by stating agree towards the questionnaires so there were only 4 students who didn’t agree with the questionnaires. The average score in cycle II on the spoken group workpresentation was 84 >= 65 and on the written group work presentation was 84 >= 65 and this result really fulfilled the result of an action research. In cycle III the students’ average score on the independent/ Individual Construction of Text was 70 which meant >= the school passing grade 65. It meant that it fulfilled the achievement Indicator.id_ID
dc.publisherSeminar Nasional Kajian Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya (SEMNAS KBSP) IV 2016id_ID
dc.titleEnglish Communication Competency Improvement On Spoken and Written Narrative Text through “VCD Cutting” Media at MTs PPMI Assalaamid_ID

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