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dc.contributor.authorHarimurti, Fadjar
dc.contributor.authorAstuti, Dewi Saptantinah Puji
dc.identifier.citationAbrahams, Nelphy Bryan, Kristanto, dan Ari Budi, 2016, "Persepsi Calon Wajib Pajak Dan Wajib Pajak Terhadap Etika Penggelapan Pajak Di Salatiga", Berkala Akuntansi dan Keuangan Indonesia, Vol. 1 (1), Hal. 50-70. Azwar, S. 2002. Sikap Manusia: Sikap dan Pengukurannya. Pustaka Pelajar, Yogyakarta. Chau, G., & Leung, P., 2009, “A critical review of Fischer’s Tax Compliance Model: A Research Synthesis”, Journal of Accounting and Taxation, Vol. 1(2), pp. 34-40. Damayanthi, P.D.A., dan Juliarsa, G., 2016, “Pengaruh Idealisme, Relativisme, Pengetahuan, Gender dan Umur Pada Perilaku Tidak Etis Akuntan”, E-Jurnal Akuntansi Universitas Udayana, Vol. 15 (1), Hal. 1-16. Davos, Ken, 2008, “Tax Evasion Behaviour and Demographic Factors: An Exploratory Study in Australia”, Revenue Law Journal, Vol. 18 (1), pp. 1-43. Fatimah, Siti dan Wardani, Dewi Kusuma, 2017, "Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Penggelapan Pajak di Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Temanggung", Jurnal AKUNTANSI DEWANTARA, Vol. 1 (1), Hal. 1-14. Fiorio, C. and Zanardi, A., 2007, “It's a lot but let it stay" How tax evasion is perceived across Italy”, UNIMI - Research Papers in Economics, Business, and Statistics 1048, Universitá degli Studi di Milano. Ghozali, Imam. 2011. Aplikasi Analisis Multivariate dengan progam SPSS. Badan penerbit Universitas Dipenogoro. Semarang. Khlif, Hichem dan Anchek, Imen. 2015. "The Determinants of Tax Evasion: A Literature Review". International Journal of Law and Management, Vol. 57, No. 5, pp. 486-497. Kurniati, Amalia, 2011, “Analisis Pengaruh Sosialisasi, Sanksi Dan Faktor-Faktor Demografi terhadap Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak PBB di Surakarta”, Jurnal Bisnis Ekonomi, Vol. 15 (2), Hal. 1-14. McGee, Robert W. and Michael Tyler, 2007, “Tax Evasion and Ethics: A Demographic Study of 33 Countries”, International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines (IABPAD) Winter Conference, Orlando, Florida, January pp. 4-7. Nurmatu, Safri. 2004. Pengantar Perpajakan. Granit, Jakarta. Putra, N.K.A.H., Anggraini, N.P.N., Rustiarini, N.Y., dan Sudiartana, I.M., 2017, "Tax Evasion Dalam Persepsi Etis Dan Demografi Wajib Pajak", Proceeding TEAM (Tourism-Economics-Accounting-Management) Badung-Bali 12-13 Oktober 2017, Vol. 2, Hal. 176-183. Setiawan, Maria Justina. 2008. "Sekilas Tentang Manajemen Pajak". Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis, Vol. 4 (2), Hal. 1-12. Torgler, B., and Schneider, F., 2006, “What Shapes Attitudes toward Paying Taxes? Evidence from Multicultural European Countries”, Social Science Quarterly, Vol. 88 (2), pp. 443-465. Tyas, Isthi Wahyuning, 2013, “Pengaruh Umur, Pendidikan, Penghasilan Bruto, dan Moral terhadap Kepatuhan Pembayaran Pajak (Studi Empiris WPOP Usahawan pada Mall Ciputra)”, Jurnal TEKUN, Vol. 4 (2), Hal. 279-304. Zain, Muhammad. 2008. Manajemen Perpajakan. Penerbit Salemba Empat, Jakarta.id_ID
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to analyze the differences in ethical perceptions of taxpayers about tax evasion actions in terms of demographic characteristics (gender, age, education, income, and experience). This research was conducted at the Pratama Tax Service Office (KPP) in Surakarta city using sample of 100 respondents who were Individual Tax Payers (WPOP). Data analysis technique using non-parametric statistical analysis, namely the Mann Whitney test and the Kruskal Willis test. Conclusions from the results of testing each hypothesis indicate that (1) There is a significant difference in ethical perceptions of tax evasion actions based on gender. In the view of WPOP, female tend to react negatively compared to male because tax evasion is considered an unethical act; (2) There are significant differences in ethical perceptions of tax evasion actions based on age. Older respondents tend to be more tolerant of legal sanctions, so they will avoid unethical actions to embezzle taxes; (3) Differences in ethical perceptions of tax evasion actions based on education, income, and experience have not obtained significant results.id_ID
dc.publisherSeminar Nasional dan The 6th Call For Syariah Paper (SANCALL) 2019id_ID
dc.titlePersepsi Etis dan Tax Evasion berdasarkan Karakteristik Demografi Studi Empiris di Soloid_ID

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