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dc.contributor.authorWafa, Zaenul
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dc.description.abstractTeacher’s belief is a stunning issue for several years. The beliefs that the teachers hold will be a navigation to use by the teacher in their class. Teachers’ beliefs are important for understanding and improving educational process. The good education quality depends on the good teacher. The purpose of this study is to explore teachers’ beliefs about English teaching at MTs N Jeketro and to investigate the factors are shape the beliefs. This case study attempts to explore the English teachers’ beliefs about English teaching. The technique of collecting data used is semi-structured interview, classroom observation and document analysis are applied to collect the data from participants. The finding of teachers’ beliefs at MTs.N Jeketro is (1) importance of English teaching (2) approach (3) principle (4) method (5) learning activity (6) teachers’ roles (7) learners’ roles, and the factors shape teachers’ beliefs are (1) experience as language learners (2) training or seminar that teachers participated, (3) experience works best and (4) institution policy.id_ID
dc.publisherSeminar Nasional Kajian Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya (SEMNAS KBSP) IV 2016id_ID
dc.titleTeachers’ Beliefs and Practices of English Teaching (A Case Study at MTs. N Jeketro)id_ID

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