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dc.contributor.authorSugiharti, Amin
dc.identifier.citationAnderson, J. Charles, (2000). Assessing reading. Cambridge University Press. Arikunto, Suharsimi. (2006). Penelitian tindakan kelas. Jakarta : Rhineka Cipta. Field, Mary Lee. (1997). From reader to reading teacher. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Grellet, Francoise. (1992). Developing reading skill. Combri dge: Cambridge University Press. Hopkins, D. (1993). A teacher’s guide to classroom research. Buckingham: Open University Press. House, Susan. (1997). An introduction to teaching English to children. London: Richmond Publishing. Karlin, Robert. (1972). Teaching reading in high school. New York : The Bobbs Marrill Company. Inc. Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. (2014) . When English Rings a Bell Mills, Geoffrey E. (2000). Action research: a guide for the teacher research. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Moleong, Lexy. (2004). Metodologi pendekatan kuatitatif. Bandung : Remaja Rosdakarya. Nunan, David. (2003). Practical English language teaching. Singapura:Mc. Graw Hill. Rivers. (1968). Teaching foreign language skills. London: The University Of Chicago Press. Scoot, Wendy A. & Ytreberg, Lisbeth H. (1990). Teaching English to children. New York: Longman Group. Wallace, C. (1996). Reading. Oxford:Oxford University Press. Widiatmoko, Irwan, (2011). Super speed reading. PT Gramedia Pustaka Utamaid_ID
dc.description.abstractThis purpose of the research is to describe the way Presentation, Practice and Production technique improve reading skill for the first year student of MTs N Paron, Ngawi.The method used in this research was a action research. This research is conducted at MTs N Paron, Ngawi. The students were at the seventh grade especially 7D. The research findings show that in general, the implementation of teaching reading by using Presentation Practice Production technique ran well. By using this technique, the students could improve their reading skill. The students were not easy to get bored and could improve their motivation and their reading skill. Teaching reading by using Presentation Practice Production technique is effective, which was seen from the result of posttest that all of the students are in fair level. There were some indicators which showed that there was an improvement in their reading skill. They were: The students’ reading scores improved from cycle to cycle. The mean score increased from 57,74 in pre-test to 74,36 in post-test 1 and 78,46 in post-test 2. Basically, a technique of teaching reading indicates to be successful if the students can give good understanding in reading a text. First, most of the students to be interested in the implementation of Presentation Practice Production technique. Second most of them are interested that Presentation Practice Production technique is effective, appropriate and not bored.id_ID
dc.publisherSeminar Nasional Kajian Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya (SEMNAS KBSP) IV 2016id_ID
dc.titleImproving Reading Skill Using Presentation, Practice and Production Technique in The First Year of MTs N Paron, Ngawiid_ID

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