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dc.contributor.authorSolchan, Ari
dc.contributor.authorRaka, Maghfira Putri
dc.contributor.authorNasucha, Yakub
dc.contributor.authorSabardila, Atiqa
dc.contributor.authorAssidik, Gallant Karunia
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dc.description.abstractResearch Objectives Based on the focus of the study there are objectives to be achieved in this study, namely: Knowing the typography and graphic text news in the mass media used in textbooks as Indonesian language learning material in middle and high school? Knowing the description of the advantages and disadvantages of the form of presentation and content of messages in the news text that is used as a medium of learning Indonesian in junior high and high school? Know the description of the feasibility of using news texts in textbooks in learning Indonesian in middle and high school? Methods of data analysis using (a) Typographic and graphic analysis using translational equivalent methods, (b) Description of the strengths and weaknesses of the form and content of messages in news texts translational methods and referential equivalent, (c) Description of the feasibility of using alternative news texts with triangulation techniques expert. None of 9 data contained complete news elements. For graphics there are 4 out of 9 data that have included pictures as a supporting in convey. The superiority of the text is in the data using short sentences and easy to understand. Shortage of text does not contain the whole news elements. Other deficiencies of the information presented do not have the novelty element. The feasibility of the material (theme) with basic competencies is appropriate. The factual aspects of the news text from 9 data are still using old news. The time span is from 3 years to 15 years. The aspects of teaching materials that can stimulate students to think critically have not been fulfilled. Available data are limited to informational objectives and increase student knowledge.id_ID
dc.publisherProceeding of The 2nd ICoLLiT (International Conference on Language, Literature and Teaching) 2019id_ID
dc.titleExploration of News Presentation in Mass Media as Indonesian Learning Media in Middle and High School Studentsid_ID

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