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dc.contributor.authorSari, Ika Putri Astriyana
dc.contributor.authorSuparman, S
dc.identifier.citationAbdul, Hadi. (2017). Comparison Of The Effectiveness Of Cooperative Learning Models Of Tps Type And NHT Type Based On Independent Learning Students At Makassar. 3 (1). Cynthia O. Anhalt, Susan Staats, Ricardo Cortez, Marta Civil. (2017). Mathematical Modeling and Culturally Relevant Pedagogy. 24 (1). David. W Johnson. (2006). Cooperation in the Classroom. 36 (12). Dwi Mutia Chan. (2017). Improving Discussion Ability By Using Numbered Heads Together Method For Second Semester Students Of Indonesia And Arts Education Program Of Stkip Ydb Lubuk Alung. 1 (2). Joan R. Rentsch, Tonia S. Heffner, Lorraine T. Duffy. (1994). What You Know is What You Get from Experience. 19 (4). Maike Wiesenfarth, Sebastian Gamisch, Peter Jakob, Marc Steiner, Andreas W. Bett. (2018). Systematic design evaluation on the example of a photovoltaic concentrator module with mirror optics and passive heat dissipation. 26 (7). MANCIU, Ionela, MARIAN, Liviu Onoriu, LEŞE, Ioana Mihaela, CHIBELEAN, Claudia. (2018). IMPACTUL UTILIZĂRII MODELULUI MATEMATIC ASUPRA PERFORMANŢELOR MANAGERIALE. 17 (3), p504-513. 10p. Marleny Leasa, Aloysius Duran Corebima. (2017). The effect of the numbered heads together (NHT) cooperative learning model on the cognitive achievement of students with different academic abilities. 795 (1) Mohamed Hamada, Mohammed Hassan. (2017). An Interactive Learning Environment for Information and Communication Theory. 13 (1): 35–59 Norscia, Ivan & Palagi, Elisabetta, (2011). Yawn Contagion and Empathy in Homo sapiens. 6 (12), p1-5. 5p. Sertel, Altun. (2018). The effect of cooperative learning on students’ achievement and views on the science and technology course. 7 (3). Singh, Charanjit Kaur Swaran; Singh, Rhashvinder Kaur Ambar; Singh, Tarsame Singh Masa; Mostafa, Nor Azmi; Mohtar, Tunku Mohani Tunku. (2018). Developing a Higher Order Thinking Skills Module for We ESL Learners. 11 (7). p86-100. Soleimani. (2013). Examination of the Effects of Collaborative Scientific Visualization via Model-based Reasoning on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Learning within an Immersive 3D World. Journal of Applied Learning Technology. Fall2013. 3 (4), p31-43. 13p. Sormunen, Eero, Tanni, Mikko, Alamettälä, Tuulikki, Heinström, Jannica. (2014). 65 (6), p1217-1231. 15p. 1 Tessmer, Martin. (1993). Planning and Conducting Formative Evaluation. Philadelphia: Kogan Page. Wiburg, K., Parra, J., Mucundanyi, G., Torres, R. & Latorre, J. (2017). Using Emerging Design Models to develop Mathematics Games. In P. Resta & S. Smith (Eds.), Proceedings of the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference. (pp. 2043-2050). Austin, TX, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).id_ID
dc.description.abstractThe ability of collaboration is one of the important competencies that students must possess in learning 21st-century mathematics. Students who do not have the ability to cooperate will not get experience, can’t develop themselves, and don’t get new skills. This research has two objectives. First, this study is to analyze the needs of modules that are appropriate to the characteristics of students. Second, this research is to design modules that can enhance the ability of collaboration. This research is a research using Design Research Model which consists of two stages, namely the preliminary stage and the formative evaluation stage. The subjects of this study were teachers and students of class VII. Data collection instruments use validation sheets, interview guidelines, and questionnaires. Validation sheets are given to experts to obtain criticism and suggestions related to the material. Interview guidelines are used to obtain information on the condition of schools, students, and the media used in schools. The questionnaire is given to teachers and students to get criticisms and suggestions related to the media. Data analyzed using descriptive analysis. This study provides results that students and teachers need modules that are able to improve the ability of collaboration between students. This study concludes that the development of Number Head Together learning models assisted by mathematical modules to improve student collaboration on social arithmetic material needs to be developed.id_ID
dc.publisherISETH 2018 (International Summit on Science, Technology, and Humanity)id_ID
dc.titleDesign of Mathematical Module Development Design of Learning Model Number Head Together to Improve Students Learning and Study Resultid_ID

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