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dc.contributor.authorRoziaty, Efri
dc.contributor.authorAkbar, Shohifa Aulia
dc.identifier.citationAbubakar, L., Mutie, A., & Kenya, E. (2011). MICROALGAE SPECIES BIODIVERSITY AND ABUNDANCE AND THEIR POTENTIAL FOR BIOFUEL IN KENYA. Journal of Limnology & Oceanography, 1-6. Al-Harbi, S. M. (2017). Seasonal Dynamics and Community Composition of Epilithic Microalgae in Relation with Environmental Factors at Northwest Coast of Jeddah: The Red Sea. Journal of Oceanography and Marine Research, 1-8. Azaman, S. N., Nagao, N., Yusoff, F. M., Tan, S. W., & Yeap, S. K. (2017). A comparison of the morphological and biochemical characteristics of Chlorella sorokiniana and Chlorella zofingiensis cultured under photoautotrophic and mixotrophic conditions. PeerJ, 1-22. Bellinger, E. G., & Sigee, D. C. (2010). Freshwater Algae-Identification and Uses as Bioindicators. Hoboken, USA: Wiley-Blacwell. Bollinger, J., Bergamini, A., S, S., F, K., & Schedegger, C. (2007). Predicticting the potential spatial distributing of epiphytic lichen species at the landscape scale. The Lichenologist , 271-291. Hoseini, M., Khosravi-Darani, K., & Mozafari. (2013). Nutritional and Medical Applications of Spirulina Microalgae. Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, (13) 1231-1237 . Kerswell, A. P. (2006). Global Biodiversity Patterns of Benthic Marine Algae. Ecology, 2479– 2488. Leander, B. S., Lax, G., Karnkowska, A., & Simpson, A. G. (2017). Euglena viridis. In J. A. al, Handbook of the Protists (pp. 1-42). Columbia, Canada, USA: Springer International Publishing . Lee, S.-H., Karawita, R., Affan, A., Lee, J.-B., Lee, B. J., & Jeon, Y. J. (2008). Potential Antioxidant Activites of Enzymatic Digests from Benthic Diatoms Achnanthes longipes, Amphora coffeaeformis, and Navicula sp. (Bacillariophyceae). J Food Science and Nutrition, 166-175. Mimouni, V., Ulmann, L., Haimeur, A., Guéno, F., Meskini, N., & Tremblin, G. (2015). Marine microalgae used as food supplements and their implication in preventing cardiovascular diseases. Oilseeds and fats Crops and Lipids (OCL), 22 (4) 1-7. Nurachman, Z., Brataningtyas, D. S., Hartati, & Panggabean, L. M. (2012). Oil from the Tropical Marine Benthic-Diatom Navicula sp. Appl Biochem Biotechnol , (168)1065–1075. Raposo, M. F., Morais, A. M., & Morais, R. M. (2015). Carotenoids from Marine Microalgae: A Valuable Natural Source for the Prevention of Chronic Diseases . Marine Drugs , 13, 5128-5155. Reichardt, E. (2015). Taxonomy and distribution of Gomphonema subtile EhrEnbErg (Bacillariophyceae) and six related taxa . Fottea, Olomouc, 15(1): 27–38. Vaulot, D., Eikrem, W., Viprey, M., & Moreau, H. (2018). FEMS Microbiol Rev , (32) 795 - 820.id_ID
dc.description.abstractResearch conducted in the coastal area along Sepanjang Beach Gunung Kidul Jogjakarta aims to find out what types of microalgae are present in the region. The area of Sepanjang Beach Gunung Kidul Jogjakarta is one of the most favourite beach visited by tourists both domestic and foreign. The research was conducted in March - October 2018. The sampling method used was Purpossive Sampling where it was determined as many as 5 sampling points called the Station. Then at each station created 2 substations are made as replications. From the results of the study found as many as 12 species from 4 families namely Bacillariophyceae, Chlorophyceae, Euglenophyceae and Cyanophyceae. Of the four families produced 12 species including Navicula sp., Euglena viridis, Spirulina sp. and Oscillatoria sp. It indicates that the environment is still good.id_ID
dc.publisherISETH 2018 (International Summit on Science, Technology, and Humanity)id_ID
dc.titleInventory of Microalgae at Sepanjang Beach the Coastal Area of Gunung Kidul Jogjakartaid_ID

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