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dc.contributor.authorPutra, Rinaldi Perdana
dc.contributor.authorSuparman, S
dc.identifier.citationAkinmola, E.A. (2014). Developing Mathematical Problem Solving Ability : A Panacea For A Sustainable Development in the Century. International Journal of Education and Research, 2(2), 1-8. Berch, D.B. & Mazzocco M.M.M. (2007). Why is math so hard for some children? The Nature and Origins of Mathematical Learning Difficulties and Disabilities. Maryland: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. Berney, S., & Bétrancourt, M. (2016). Does animation enhance learning? A meta-analysis. Computers & Education, 101, 150-167. Chiu T and Churchill D.(2015). Exploring the characteristics of an optimal design of digital materials for concept learning in mathematics: Multimedia learning and variation theory. Computer & Education. 82. 280-291 Cope, L. (2015) Math Manipulatives : Making The Abstract Tangible. Delta Journal of Education, 5(1). 10-19. Ekawati, Rooselyna & Kohar, Ahmad Wachidul. (2016). Innovative Teacher professional Development Within PMRI in Indonesia. International Journal of Innovation in Science abd Mathematics Education, 24(5), 1-13. Foshay, R. & Kirkley, J. (2003). Principles for Teach- ing Problem Solving. PLATO Learning, Inc. Habsah, Fitria. (2017). Developing teaching Material Based on Realistic Mathematics Androiented to the Mathematical Reasoning and mathematical Communication. Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Matematika 4(1), 43-55. Harahap, Selvi Septiani., Hasratudin., Simamora, Elmanani. (2018). The Development of Learning Device Based Realistic Approach for Increasing Problem Solving Mathematics Ability of Student in SMPS Geman Buwana. Mathematical Theory and Modeling 8(1) ISSN 2221-5804 Kannan, Sentamarai., C, Sivapragasam & R, Senthikumar. (2016). A Study Problem Solving Ability in Mathematics IX Standart Students in Dindigul Districs. International Journal of Applied Research, 2(1), 797-799 Kirkley, J., (2003), Principle for Teaching Problem Solving, Technical Paper, Plato Learning Inc. Leonard, M. K., Steve, T., & Art, J. (2004). Guiding Children’s Learning of Mathematics (10th eds.). USA: Thompson Learning, Inc. Lester, F. K. (2013). The Mathematics Enthusiast Thoughts About Research On Mathematical Problem-Solving Instruction. The Mathematics Enthusiast 10(10). Mariati, P.S., Betty, M.T., & Sehat, S. (2017). The Problem Solving Learning Model By Using Video Recording On Experiment of Kinematics and Dynamics to Improve The Students Cognition and Metacognition. Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Indonesia, 13(1), 25-32. Moyer-Packenham, P. S., Ulmer, L. A., & Anderson, K. L. (2012). Examining Pictorial Models and Virtual Manipulatives for Third-Grade Fraction Instruction. Journal of Interactive Online Learning, 11(3),103-120 OECD. 2013. PISA 2012 Results in Focus What 15-year-olds know and what they can do with what they know. pdf diakses pada 25 Oktober 2015. Polya, G. (1973). “How to Solve It”: A New Aspect of Mathematical Method. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Searle, J., & Barmby, P. (2012). Evaluation Report on the Realistic Mathematics Education Pilot Project at Manchester Metropolitan University. Durham: Durham University. Setyaningkrum, W & Waryanto, N.H. ( 2017). Developing Mathematics Edutainment Media For Android Based on Students’ Understanding and Interest : a Teachers’ Review. Journal Conference on Mathematics, Science and Education, 983, 1-6 Tambychik, Tarzimah & Meerah, Thamby Subahan Mohd. (2010). Students’ Difficulties in Mathematics Problem Solving : What do They Say ?. Procedia Sosial and Behavioral Science 8, 142-151. Tan, O. S. (2004). Enhanching Thinking Problem Based Learning Approached. Singapura: Thomson. Tay Lay Heong (2005). Problem Solving Abilities and Strategies in Solving Multistep Mathematical Problems among Form 2 Students. Kertas Projek Sarjana. Universiti Malaya. Teese, R. (2007). Video Analysis - A Multimedia Tool for Homework and Class Assignments. 12th International Conference on Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning, 13-15 September 2007, Wroclaw, Poland. Thiagarajan, S., Semmel, D. S., & Semmel, M. I . (1974). Intructional development for training teacher of exceptional children. Bloomington Indiana: Center of Innovation in Teaching the Handicapped. Zulkardi. (2002). Developing A Learning Environment On Realistic Mathematics Education For Indonesian Student Teachers. Thesis University of Twente.id_ID
dc.description.abstractProblem solving is one of the important abilities in 21st century skills. Students who have low problem solving skills will have difficulty solving PISA and HOTS type problems. Learning media that have not integrated problem-solving skills will hinder the achievement of learning outcomes. This research has two objectives. First, this study aim to analyze the needs of learning media that are appropriate to students character, subject matter, and 2013 curriculum. Secondly, this research is to create a Realistic Mathematics Education approach learning video design to improve students’ problem solving abilities. This type of research is a research development with the 4D model. The subjects of this study were teachers and students of class VII. The research instruments used were interview guidelines, observation guidelines, questionnaires, and validation sheets. Interview guidelines are used to obtain information from teachers regarding the needs of learning media in the classroom. Data analysis uses the Miles Huberman model. This research resulted: the material taught in schools was in accordance with the 2013 curriculum, the learning video was not based on RME, the learning model applied by the teacher had not facilitated students to develop problem-solving skills, and the RME-based learning video design. This study concludes that RME-based learning videos that can improve students’ problem solving abilities need to be developed further.id_ID
dc.publisherISETH 2018 (International Summit on Science, Technology, and Humanity)id_ID
dc.titleDesign of Learning Video Using Realistic Mathematics Education Approaches to Developing the Problem-Solving Ability of Students of Class VII High Schoolid_ID

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