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dc.contributor.authorLarasati, Sukmana
dc.contributor.authorSuparman, S
dc.identifier.citationCerjnaeva, Sarmite. (2013). Mathcad Application to Math Problem Solving for the Students of the Faculty of Civil Engineering of Riga Technical University. Versita. Clark, R. E., Yates, K., Early, S. & Moulton, K. (2008). An Analysis of the Failure of Electronic Media and Discovery-based learning: Evidence for the performance benefits of Guided Training Methods. Handbook of Training and Improving Workplace Performance, Volume I Dalgarno, Barney., Kennedy, Gregor., & Bennett, Sue. (2014). The impact of students’ exploration strategies on discovery learning using computer-based simulations. Educational Media International, 51(4), pp. 310-329. Domínguez-Rué, Emma., & Mrotzek, Maximilian. (2013). Conceptualizing the aesthetic experience: using the influence matrix to show causal relationships between basic concepts in aesthetics. International Journal of General Systems. 43(1), pp. 19-31 Gilmore C., Clayton S., Cragg L., McKeaveney C., Simms V., & Johnson S. (2018). Understanding arithmetic concepts: The role of domain-specific and domain-general skills. PLoS ONE, 13(9). Gupta, Tannu., Madhuri, A Sudha., Prachi., Akhtar, M Jaleel., & Srivastava, K Vaibhav. (2012). Development Of The Virtual Lab Module For Understanding The Concepts Of Electric And Magnetic Field Patterns In Rectangular Waveguides And Cavities. International Journal of Online Engineering, 8(3). Mahmoud, Abdelrahman Kamel Abdelrahman. (2014). The Effect of Using Discovery Learning Strategy in Teaching Grammatical Rules to first year General Secondary Student on Developing Their Achievement and Metacognitive Skills. International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research. 5(2), pp. 146-153 Plomp, T., & Nieveen, N. (2013) Educational Design Research. Illustrative Cases. Rittle-Johnson, B., Siegler, R. S., & Alibali, M. W. (2001). Developing conceptual understanding and procedural skill in mathematics: An iterative process. Journal of educational psychology, 93(2), 346. Sajka, M. (2003). A secondary school student’s understanding of the concept of function-A case study. Educational studies in mathematics, 53(3), pp. 229-254. Tessmer, Martin (1993). Planning and Conducting Formative Evaluation. Philadelphia : Kogan Page. Zhou, Min., Xiang, Dajing., & Zhan, Jianming. (2014). Fuzzy Gamma Modules Based on Fuzzy Binary Operations. J. of Mult.-Valued Logic & Soft Computing, 23, pp.589–613 Zulkardi, Z. (2002). Developing a learning environment on realistic mathematics education for Indonesian student teachers. University of Twente.id_ID
dc.description.abstractMathematical concepts are very important to be mastered by students. Students who do not understand the concept of mathematics will find it difficult to understand other mathematical concepts because of the interrelated mathematical concepts. Learning with guided discovery can guide students to construct and understand mathematical concepts. One of the teaching materials that can be used to understand the concept of matter is the module. This study aims to produce products in the form of mathematics modules based on guided discovery methods to improve understanding of concepts. This study uses the Design Development type Development Study which consists of initial product design, expert review, small group and field test. Research subjects were teachers and students of class X SMA. Research instruments in the form of interview guidelines, observation guidelines, and questionnaires. Data were analyzed using the Miles Huberman model consisting of data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing. This study concludes that the module is in the practical and valid category. Research can be further developed at the filed test stage.id_ID
dc.publisherISETH 2018 (International Summit on Science, Technology, and Humanity)id_ID
dc.titleDesign of Mathematics Module Development Based on Guided Discovery Methods to Improve Understanding of Concept of Class X SMA/MAid_ID

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