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dc.contributor.authorAnggraeni, Yunita
dc.contributor.authorNinin, Retno Hanggarani
dc.contributor.authorDalimunthe, Karolina Lamtiur
dc.contributor.authorRachman, Noer Fauzi
dc.identifier.citationAdamo, Susana B (2011). Slow-onset hazards and population displacement in the context of climate change. Center of International Earth Science Information Network;Columbia University Darlington, Yvone & Scott, Dorothy (2002). Qualitative research in practice stories from the field. 1, 6. Australia; Allen&Unwin Google Earth(2019) Pencitraan gambar wilayah pasir wangi tahun 2005. doi; com/web/@7.21518195,107.78385368,1202.02539062a,0d,27.53499581y,96.23329573h, 84.09702262t,0r/data=IhoKFnhOXzY2Nk1ad0RxU1V1dlQxU3FiSUEQAg Kementrian Pekerjaan umum(2010). Modul Pengolahan Sampah Berbasis 3R.C03.Kab. Bandung;Pusat Penelitian dan pengembangan pemukiman. McMillan, D. W., & Chavis, D. M. (1986). Sense of Community: A Definition and Theory. American Journal of Community Psychology, 14, 6-23. doi: 6629(198601)14:1%3C6::AID-JCOP2290140103%3E3.0.CO;2-I Nelson, Geoffrey & Prilleltensky, Isaac. (2017). Community Psychology: In pursuit of Liberation and Well-Being, 2nd. NY: Palgrave Macmillan. Reser, J.P., & Morrissey, S.A. 2009. The crucial role of Psychological Preparedness for disasters. InPsych. The Bulletin of the Australian Psychological Society Ltd. April 2009, 14-15. Rigasa.Y.A, et.all.2016. Community based solid waste management strategy: a case study of Kaduna metropolis. WIT Transactions on Ecology and The Environment, Vol 210, ©WIT Press Sahwan. F.L,et.all (2015). Sistem Pengolahan Limbah Plastik di Indonesia. Teknik Lingkungan. P3TL-BPPT. Vol. 6. 311-318. Rinku Verma, (2016) Toxic Pollutans form Plastic Waste-A Review. Procedia Environment Scienced 35 701-708. Banglore. India. doi: Wied, Hary Apriaji (2004). Memproses Sampah. Jakarta: Penebar Swadayaid_ID
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to find out how waste management, especially in the Garut region. Waste management is an activity that requires integration between elements from up to downstream in order to create a clean and healthy environment. Proper and integrated waste management will keep up the balance of nature and cut the risk factors for disasters. This study uses ethnographic methods where researchers are directly in the field and follow people and groups who carry out waste disposal behavior in the community. The results of this study are the management of organic and inorganic waste at a personal level. In addition, local people’s wisdom in maintaining the ecology of their living space cannot be transferred in the form of awareness of waste management. On the other hand, the government does not yet have an integrated plan that will integrate personal, community and government levels in local waste management. The conclusion of this study is the limited understanding of the community only on the classification of types of waste with risk management forms such as the accumulation or burning of waste. Thus, awareness raising and integrated, simultaneous and continuous handling is needed so that the management of organic and non-organic waste becomes more right.id_ID
dc.publisherISETH 2019 (International Summit on Science, Technology, and Humanity)id_ID
dc.titleIntegrated Waste Management in Supporting Awareness of Healthy Clean Communities in the Garut City Areaid_ID

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