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dc.contributor.authorNugraha, Dida Dwi
dc.contributor.authorMaryani, Enok
dc.contributor.authorSetiawan, Iwan
dc.identifier.citationAli, MI (2015). Library Management Model in Providing Learning Resources for Islamic Education in SMP Plus Ar-Rahmat Bojonegoro. Doctoral dissertation, STAIN Kudus Anggela, R. (2015). The Relationship Between Teacher Professional Competence and Teacher Work Motivation with Geography Learning Achievement of High School Students in Yogyakarta City Academic Year 2012/2013. Pontianak Anthamatten, Peter. (2010). «Spatial Thinking Concepts in Early Grade Level Geography Standards.» Journal of Geography, 109: 5, 169-180. Association of American Geographers. (2006). Spatial Thinking Ability Test (A). 1710 16th Street NW Washington DC 20009-3198. Committee on Support for Thinking Spatially. (2006). Learning to Think Spatially. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. Jamali, A., & Prasojo, LD (2013). The influence of the principal’s managerial competence, the environment, the motivation of the teacher, on the achievement of Muhammadiyah high school students in Yogyakarta. Journal of Educational Management Accountability Marsh, M., Golledge, R., & Battersby, SE (2007). Geospatial concepts understanding and recognition in G6 – college students: A preliminary argument for a minimum of GIS. Annals of the Association of AmericanGeographers Believers. (2014). Educational challenges in the 21st century. Paper presented and discussed at the 2014 national seminar on educational technology. Improvement of the quality of learning about the use of educational technology. Organized by the Postgraduate Educational Technology Study Program. Surabaya State University. National Research Council. (2006). Learning To Think Spatially: GIS as a Support System in the K-12 Curriculum. Wa: National Academies Press. Nursid Sumaatmadja. (1988). Geography Study An Approach and Spatial Analysis. Alumni Bandung. Oktavianto, Angga, D. (2017). The Effect of Project-Based Learning on Google Earth on Spatial Thinking Skills. Techno Journal of Oktavianto, Angga, D., (2017). The Effect of Project-Based Learning on Google Earth on Spatial Thinking Skills. Ozgen Techno Journal , K. and Karakus, U. (2009). «The impact of blended learning models on student attitudes towards geography courses and their critical thinking dispositions and levels.» Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology The Republic of Indonesia. 2007. Permendiknas No.16 of 2007 concerning Academic Qualification Standards and Teacher Competencies. Jakarta: Negara Secretariat Setiawan, I. (2015). The Role of Geographic Information Systems (Sig) in Increasing Spatial Thinking Ability. Gea, Journal of Geography Education, Volume 15, Number 1, April 2015, p. 63-89. Sudjana, Nana. (2005). Research on Teaching and Learning Results. Bandung: PT. Teen Rosdakarya. Suryadi, L. (2015). Professional Competencies of Geography Teachers Already Certified in State High Schools in Wonogiri Regency Semarang 2015/2015.Tika, Pabundu M. (2005). Geography Research Methods. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara Turney, C. et al. (1973). Sydney Micro Skills Handbook Series 1-5. Sidney: Sydney University Law of the Republic of Indonesia number 20 of 2003 concerning the national education system. Webster, ML (2015). GIS in AP human geography: A means of developing students’ spatial thinking ?. The University of North Texas. Yani, A. (2016). Geography Learning Process Standards in the 2013 Curriculum. Department of Geography Education, FPIPS, UPI.id_ID
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to determine the relationship of the professional competence of geography teachers with the ability of spatial thinking students in Pandeglang District High School. This study uses a survey method where this method is a method that aims to collect large amounts of data in the form of variables, units or individuals at the same time. Research using this method is intended to obtain a detailed picture of the Relationship of Professional Competence of Geography Teachers with Spatial Thinking of students in Pandeglang District High School. The subjects in this study were students of class XII IPS in several schools in Pandeglang District High School. The instrument used was a Likert scale to determine the professional competence of geography teachers according to students ‘perceptions and multiple-choice questions for abilities spatial thinking students’. Based on the results of data analysis, it was concluded that: (1) the average percentage of professional competencies of geography teachers according to students’ perceptions was 88.23% with very high criteria; (2) the average percentage of abilities spatial thinking students’ is 81.87% with very high criteria; (3) there is a positive relationship between the professional competence of geography teachers and the ability of spatial thinking students with a significance value of 0,000 and the value Pearson correlation of 0.973 at a very strong degree of relationship.id_ID
dc.publisherISETH 2019 (International Summit on Science, Technology, and Humanity)id_ID
dc.titleRelationship Professional Competence of Geography Teachers with Spatial Thinking Students in Pandeglang District High Schoolid_ID

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