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dc.contributor.authorNurani, Idea Wening
dc.contributor.authorSunardi, S
dc.contributor.authorMuta'ali, Lutfi
dc.contributor.authorMei, Estuning Tyas Wulan
dc.contributor.authorWibowo, Sandy Budi
dc.contributor.authorFajarwati, Alia
dc.contributor.authorRidwan, Briantama Yanuar
dc.contributor.authorMaharani, Nooriza
dc.contributor.authorPradipta, Aditya
dc.identifier.citationAmoah, S.T. (2019) Determinants of Household’s Choice of Cooking Energy in A Global South City. Energy and Buildings, Volume 196, p 103-111. doi: enbuild.2019.05.026 Almeshqab, F and Ustun, T.H. (2019). Lessons learned from rural electrification initiatives in developing countries: Insights for technical, social, financial and public policy aspects. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 102, p 35-53. doi: rser.2018.11.035 BPWC/PT PJB. (2012). Master Plan Pengelolaan Waduk Cirata (Master Plan of Cirata reservoir management). PT Daya Cipta Dianrancana cooperated with PPSDAL Unpad. Bunting, W. S and J., Pretty. (2007). Aquaculture Development and Global Carbon Budgets: Emissions, Sequestration and Management Options. Colchester: Centre for Environment and Society, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Essex. FAO. (2009). The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2008. Rome : FAO, 176 pp. FAO. (2011). Adapting to Climate Change: The Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries and Aquaculture in the Near East and North Africa Region. Workshop Proceedings: FAO/WorldFish Workshop, Abbasa, Egypt 10-12 November 2009. Rome : FAO. FAO. (2017). Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Aquaculture: A Life Cycle Assessment of Three Asian Systems. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper. Rome: FAO. IPCC. (2007). Climate change 2007: Synthesis report. Contribution of working groups I, II and III to the fourth assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Pachauri RK, Reisinger A (eds). Geneva : Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Jalaludin, D. 2017. KJA Cirata Harus Segera Ditertibkan. Available online: [10 April 2019]. LE Unpad. (2013). Kajian Pemetaan Sosial Ekonomi KJA Waduk Cirata (Analysis of Social-Economic Mapping of Cirata Reservoir. In cooperation with BPWC.’ Nurani I. W. 2014. Formulation of Adaptation and Mitigation Strategy of Floating Net Cage Aquaculture (FNCA) Management to Climate Change (Case Study in Cirata Reservoir, Kabupaten Bandung Barat). MSc Thesis. Univesity of Twente. 72p. OECD. (2008). Climate Change Mitigation: What do We Do? Available online: [10 September 2019] Tayarani, M., Poorfakhraei, Nadafianshahamabadi, R., and Rowangould, G (2018). Can regional transportation and land-use planning achieve deep reductions in GHG emissions from vehicles? Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Vol. 63, p 222-235. doi : Ulengin, F., Isik, M., Ekici, S.O., Ozaydin, O., Kabak, O., and Topcu, Y.I. (2018) Policy Developments for the Reduction of Climate Change Impacts by the transportation sector.id_ID
dc.description.abstractEvery sector including aquaculture should be prepared to cope with climate change impacts. Climate change impacts to aquaculture can bring any change to instability of socio-economy and the environment due to its role to support food security, employment and economic growth. Management of aquaculture needs to be modified to face this challenge, not only adaptation efforts but also mitigation efforts. Energy consumption is one of significant source of Green House Gasses (GHG) emission. Therefore, it is necessary to know the detail of energy consumption in aquaculture to find the proper strategy in reducing GHG emission from its operational. This study aimed: (1) to identify sort of energy source used in FNCA; (2) to identify the factors that influences the energy consumption of FNCA. This research was conducted in Cirata Reservoir, West Java Province, Indonesia. This research was conducted in Cirata Reservoir, West Java Province. Quatitative method was applied in this research. The research methodology involved: (1) in depht interview, (2) analysis of existing data through institutional reports and (3) observation. This study showed that: (1) farmers of FNCA in Cirata reservoir consume renewable and non-renewable energy for their daily activities; (2) factors that influence the energy consumption in FNCA are location, operational pattern, number of dwellers, types of boat and electricity sources.id_ID
dc.publisherISETH 2019 (International Summit on Science, Technology, and Humanity)id_ID
dc.titleReducing Greenhouse Gasses Emission from Energy Consumption in Floating Net Cage Aquaculture (FNCA)id_ID

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