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dc.contributor.authorAdhi, Arie Mayang Koesoema
dc.contributor.authorNurkamto, Joko
dc.contributor.authorDrajati, Nur Arifah
dc.identifier.citationBoakye, N., A., N., Y., & Mai, M., M. (2016). A Needs Analysis for a Discipline-Specific Reading Intervention. Canadian Center of Science and Education. English Language Teaching Vol. 9, No. 3; 2016 ISSN 1916-4742 E-ISSN 1916-4750. ISSN 1916-4742 E-ISSN 1916-4750. Brown, H. D. (2001). Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. New York: Addison Wesley Longman. Brown, J. D. (1995). The elements of language curriculum: A systematic approach to program development. Boston: Heinle and Heinle. Cowling, J. D. (2007). Needs analysis: Planning a syllabus for a series of intensive workplace courses at a leading Japanese company. English for Specific Purposes, 26, 426-442. Fadel, S., & Elyas, T. (2015). ESP Needs Analysis to Integrate a Scientific Reading Program in the English Language Institute at King AbdulAziz University. International Journal of Educational Investigations. Vol.2, No.4: 14-27, 2015 (April). Iwai, T., Kondo, K., Limm, S. J. D., Ray, E. G., Shimizu, H., and Brown, J. D. (1999). Japanese language needs analysis. Available at: Muharni. (2017). The Influence of Grammar and Vocabulay Mastery on Students’ Reading Comprehension at Language Development Center of UIN SUSKA Riau. J-SHMIC, Journal of English as Academic. DOI: Nunan, D. (1994). The learner-centered curriculum. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Nunan, D. and Lamb, C. (1996). The Self-Directed Teacher. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Richards, J., C. (2010). Curriculum Development in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Salam, S. (2017). Developing Needs Analysis Based-Reading Comprehension Learning Materials: A Study on the Indonesian Language Study Program Students. Australian International Academic Centre PTY.LTD. Tratnik, A. (2008). Key Issues in Testing English for Specific Purposes. Scripta Manent 4 (1). 3-13. Wahyono, E., & Puspitasari, D. (2015). Students’ Need Analysis Of English Reading Skills for Academic Purposes. Prosiding ICTTE FKIP UNS 2015. Vol 1, No 1, January 2016. Yin, K., R. (2003). Case Study Research - Design & Methods, Third Edition. London: Sage Publication. Volume 5. Yin, K., R. (2011). Qualitative Research from Start to Finish. New york: The Guilford Press. Zubaidi, N., & Novitasari, B., T. (2014). Ideal vs Practice of Indonesian Senior High School National Exam of English Subject: Students’ Perception. Conference Paper. June 2014.
dc.description.abstractThe focus of this research is to asses the Reading competence needs of senior high school students in English National Examination (ENE) based on teachers’ perspective. The background in conducting this research mainly because of two things. The first one is the importance of curriculum evaluation behind the Needs Analysis itself. The second one is the importance of the certain preparation for strengthening English material to face the incoming English National Examination. Both of these backgrounds are equally important for students and teachers at once. This study is carried out with the objectives to answer the problems, that is to know what do 12 grader senior high school students’ needs in order to have English Reading competence of National Examination based on teachers’ perspective. The next objective is to find out what kinds of effort do teachers make to fulfil those needs. Another objective is to discover what obstacles are faced by teachers in order to fulfill those needs. The next objective is to uncover which of the Reading materials are needed more by senior high student’s in Boyolali to fulfill their Reading competence needs in English National Examination (ENE). The last objective is to detect which of the Reading materials are more overcome by senior high student’s in Boyolali to fulfill their Reading competence needs in English National Examination (ENE). All of these questions are framed within the scope of the teacher's perspective. The data of this research, included some questionnaires. This research already debriefed 7 English teachers who teach in grade 12. They are from MGMP or English Teacher Forum of senior high schools in Boyolali Regency, Central Java. They were involved in filling out the questionnaire where the results were used as the main data in this study. The final findings in this study include the fact that: (1) the basic needs of students in reading competence are mastery of sufficient and adequate vocabulary also understanding reading material well, (2) the teachers then made several programs to meet the needs of the students by intensifying the habit of reading, introducing the method of speed reading, finding new vocabulary and then translating it, (3) the lack of motivation in reading English text and the minimal vocabulary mastery are the main aspect that makes 12th grade students lack sufficient competence to face the National Examination, (4) 12 materials are included to Very Important Reading materials regarding to the English National Examination. They are: Handbook, Printed Dictionary, Internet Article, Narrative Text, Descriptive Text, Recount Text, Advertisement Text, Notice Text, Announcement Text, Discussion Text, News Item Text, and Exposition Text, (5) students in Boyolali are having Very Good mastery only in 2 materials, they are: News Item Text and Exposition Text.id_ID
dc.publisherProceeding of The 2nd ICoLLiT (International Conference on Language, Literature and Teaching) 2019id_ID
dc.titleAssessing the Reading Competence Needs of Senior High School Students in National Examination: Teachers' Perspectiveid_ID

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