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dc.contributor.authorKurniah, Allen Nurul
dc.contributor.authorPuspitasari, Riris Lindiawati
dc.contributor.authorPerdana, Analekta Tiara
dc.identifier.citationKasmawati. (2014). Makanan Halal dan Tayyib Perspektif Al-Qur'an (Kajian Tahlili dalam QS. Al-Baqarah/2: 168). Makassar: Fakultas Ushuluddin, Filsafat, dan Politik UIN Alaudin Makassar. Bempah, RT. (2017, Juni) Diakses dari Ali, M (2016). Konsep makanan halal dalam tinjuaan syariah dan tanggung jawab produk atas produsen industri halal. Ahkam. 16 (2), 291-306. Rasyid, S. (2015). Analisis Cemaran Daging Babi pada Produk Bakso Sapi yang Beredar di Wilayang Ciputat Menggunakan Real Time Polymerasi Chain Reaction (PCR) dengan Metode Hydrolysis Probe. Jakarta, Indonesia: Fakultas Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan Program Studi Farmasi UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, 2015. Primasari, A. (2011). Sensitivitas Gen Sitokrom b (Cyt b) sebagai Marka Spesifik pada Genus Rattus dan Mus untuk Menjamin Keamanan Pangan Produk Asal Daging. Bogor: Institut Pertanian Bogor. Tanabe, S., et al.,. (2007). A Real-Time Quantitative PCR Detection Method for Pork, Chicken, Beef, Mutton, and Horseflesh in Foods. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 71 (12). 3131 - 3135. Fibriana, F., Widianti, T., Retnoningsih, A., dan Susanti. (2012). Deteksi Daging Babi Pada Produk Bakso di Pusat Kota Salatiga. Biosaintifika. 4 (2). 106 - 112. Handoyo, D. dan Rudiretna, A. (2001). Prinsip Umum dan Pelaksanaan Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Unitas. 9 (1). 17 - 29.id_ID
dc.description.abstractMeatballs are one of the favorite foods for Indonesian people. Meatball products are generally known to be based on beef. But there are cases that changed the basic ingredients of meatballs, beef into pork. This research was conducted to detect the presence of pork in packaged meatball products sold at Traditional Markets. Identification is carried out with the principles of molecular biology in the form of the PCR process. Meatball samples were previously subjected to DNA extraction. PCR was performed to determine pork genes using cytochrome b primers with an amplicon length of 130 bp. The cytochrome b gene can be found in every animal cell, but it has a specific characteristic that is only present in certain animal cells. Based on PCR results it is known that most of the samples did not contain pork marked by the absence of a DNA band that appeared and parallel to the 130 bp band on the ladder. However, there are two samples that appear DNA bands and are thought to contain pork. These results are followed by a sequencing process to clarify the results of the PCR process.id_ID
dc.publisherProsiding SNPBS (Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Biologi dan Saintek) Ke-5id_ID
dc.titleDetection of Cytochrome B Pork in Packaged Meatball Fromtraditional Markets Around Jakartaid_ID

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