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dc.description.abstract | Background: Patients with undifferential schizophrenia will experience
quality deterioration in their daily lives, because patients with schizophrenia
experience positive or negative symptoms that interfere with their daily
activities. Negative symptoms include avolition, alogia, flat affection,
anhedonia and disruption of personal relationships. This symptom causing
the client difficult to socialize with other people, lose of motivations, goals,
hope and enthusiasm for treatment. Purpose: The purpose of this study was
to determine the changes in negative symptoms in undifferential
schizophrenia patients with motivation interviewing using a group art
therapy program. Method: This study is a case series with six patients, the
questionnaire "SANS" is used as a measuring tool to determine changes in
signs and symptoms of patients. Results: There was a decrease in negative
symptoms in patients after conducting a motivational interview using group
art therapy program. Recommendation: Motivational interviews using
group arts therapy programs are recommended to be a routine activity for
schizophrenic patients with negative symptoms that are dominant. | id_ID |