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dc.description.abstractAssalamu’alaikum wa rahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Alhamdulillah wa sholatu wassalamaamu’alaa Rasulillah wa’alaa aalihi wa shabbihi wa man wallahu. The current covid-19 pandemic is like a night covering all lines of education and business. However, as scientists and believers, they must believe in this destiny and see the beautiful side, namely the sparkling points of lights and flash that adorned the darkness of the night and continue to work to meet the dawn of new rays of a better life. May Allah SWT always protect and save us in this new era, aamiin Allahuma amiin. Participants: Icetia (International Conference on Engineering, Technology, and Industrial Application) is 80 papers and will publish in IOP Scopus Seminar Series. Rapi (Rekayasa Aplikasi Perancangan dan Industri) is 20 papers and will publish in Journal Fakultas Teknik UMS. All participants from Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Korea, China, and England The scholars provide directions from the Koran and hadiths to overcome problems in the new era, namely being patient and continuing to multiply deeds such as sadaqah, prayer, fasting, and others and leave unnecessary. And nally, may Allah Almighty bless this seminar activity and make things easier. Wassalamu’alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu. Dr. Muhammad Kusban, S.T., M.T. Committee Coordinatorid_ID
dc.publisherSimposium Nasional Ke-19 RAPI 2020id_ID
dc.titleKata Pengantar & Daftar Isiid_ID

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