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dc.contributor.authorJannah, Ma'rifatul
dc.contributor.authorHasniar, Ridha
dc.contributor.authorMuzayyanah, Anggita Ida Anis
dc.contributor.authorCahyo, Adinda Septian Dwi
dc.contributor.authorSeptiani, Irna Wulan
dc.description.abstractSmoking is a habit of consuming cigarettes that is carried out in daily life, and becomes an unavoidable need for cigarette addicts. Cigarettes have a very big danger to health. Many consequences of diseases that can be caused by smoking such as: lung disease, kidney, heart, hypertension, and even death. Currently, cigarettes are not only favored by adults but also children. Currently, not only senior or junior high school, but also elementary school children have smoked a lot. This habit would damage the growth and development of children at an early age which will result in the destruction of the younger generation. With Barcotidi, children will understand the dangers of smoking. Barcotidi is a 3D comic which includes a barcode. In the barcode, there is an audiovisual of the contents of the comic, which can be opened after scanning the code. With the Barcotidi, children can learn and know the dangers of smoking and the contents of cigarettes that will damage the health of the body. In addition, teachers can also use Barcotidi comics as a medium in conveying smoking material. This comic is also a medium for parents to teach children the dangers of smoking from an early age so that the death rate due to smoking can decrease.id_ID
dc.publisherProceedings Book International Conference on Early and Elementary Education 2021id_ID
dc.titlePreventing Smoking Behavior with Barcotidiid_ID

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