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dc.contributor.authorNi'mah, Arifatun
dc.contributor.authorRamandhani, Diana Ayu
dc.contributor.authorNugroho, Dimas Daru Bagas
dc.contributor.authorHartanto, H
dc.contributor.authorRahmawati, Hasri
dc.contributor.authorPrasetya, Surya Raja
dc.description.abstractThe 3M program is a program that consists of three main concepts that will be carried out by parents. The three concepts are the concept of understanding, the concept of monitoring, and the concept of checking. The concept of understanding means that parents must have an understanding of the dangers if their child's eyes are affected by visual disturbances in the form of myopia or nearsightedness and everything that can cause myopia in children. The concept of supervising means that parents provide supervision of children in the use of smartphones. Technological developments are unavoidable. Technological developments will continue to develop in line with the development of science. Eyes are a very important sense for human life. Eyes function to see everything in the world. Without eyes, humans will not be able to see everything in the world. Therefore, the author made a new idea in the form of a 3M program to prevent myopic eyes in elementary school children due to smartphones.id_ID
dc.publisherProceedings Book International Conference on Early and Elementary Education 2021id_ID
dc.title3M Program to Prevent Myopia in Elementary Schoolid_ID

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