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dc.contributor.authorPrasetiyo, Wibowo Heru
dc.contributor.authorPatmisari, Patmisari
dc.contributor.authorPrasetyo, Eko
dc.description.abstractProgram Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (Freedom Campus – Freedom Learning) catalysts for transformative learning in higher education. This study explores the impact of implementing the MBKM program, especially the Kampus Mengajar (Teaching Campus), for student teachers from the civic education department. Using online survey, student teachers and lecturers were involved in the data collecting process. Data analysis comprised of two phases, quantitative and qualitative. The quantitative data findings indicate that the MBKM program is considered to improve soft skills and hard skills as a provision to entering the workforce. The dominance of interest in the MBKM program came from male students compared to female students. The qualitative data analysis using Nvivo describes students' obstacles in KM-MBKM, including selfishness, poor time management, and distance traveled. Student teachers consider that the national committee needs to improve, particularly in student selection, website maintenance, and rigorous monitoring and evaluation policies. The civic education department commits to supporting the implementation of MBKM by conducting a curriculum review to provide opportunities for students. The findings and recommendations of this study are expected to help develop MBKM policies in the future.id_ID
dc.publisherSeminar Nasional dan Call of Paper : Impelmentasi Dampak MBKMid_ID
dc.title“Kami menjadi Foot Soldiers dan Membangkitkan Partisipasi Pendidikan”: Dampak Program Kampus Mengajar bagi Mahasiswa PPKn UMSid_ID

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