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dc.contributor.authorRahayu, Sri
dc.contributor.authorDewi, Enita
dc.identifier.citationFungsi Perawat Spesialis Agar Terhindar Dari Masalah Etik Maupun Hukum. 9 Oktober 2006. perawat spesialis agar.html. Ginarsih. Hubungan antara Stress Kerja dan Karakteristik Perawat dengan Kinerja Perawat Pelaksana di RSUD Rembang. Skripsi Sarjana (tidak dipublikasikan). Semarang: Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Diponegoro; 2004. Heni S., Sri S. Hubungan antara Stress Kerja dan Kepuasan Kerja dengan Kinerja Perawat di Unit Perawatan Kritis RSI Surakarta. Skripsi Sarjana (tidak dipublikasikan). Semarang: Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Diponegoro; 2001. Kondisi Kerja Perawat Indonesia Tahun 2006. 14 Juni 2006. http://www inna.ppni.or id/index.php. Mangkunegara, Anwar Prabu. Evaluasi Kinerja SDM. Cetakan 1. Bandung : PT Refika Aditama; 2005. Mardalis. Metode Penelitian (Suatu Pendekatan Proposal ).Edisi 1. Jakarta : Bumi Aksara; 2004. Mulyati, Sari. Perbedaan Karakteristik Perawat, Sistem Penempatan Tenaga Keperawatan dihubungkan dengan Produktifitas Waktu Asuhan antara Perawat PNS dan TKK di RSUD Serang Tahun 2003. Volume 7. No 1. (Jurnal Keperawatan Indonesia). Jakarta : Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia. Maret 2003. Pengaruh Kepuasan Kerja Dengan Kinerja Perawat. 24 Mei 2006. http://www.pikiran Perawat Ingin Jadi Mitra Sejajar Dokter. 24 Mei 2006. cetak/0106/29/Nasional/pera 37.htm Soeroso, Santoso. Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Di Rumah Sakit: Suatu Pendekatan Sistem. Editor: Palupi Widyastuti. Jakarta : EGC; 2001. System Penggajian. Sistem Penggajian, Insentif Pegawai Negeri Sipil Dan Reformasi Birokrasi.18 Juni 2006. http:/ 20Insentif %20Pegawai%Negeri%20Sipil%20...en_US
dc.description.abstractBackground: Arrangement of appreciation system to nurses in Indonesia expected to pay attention to the level of effort and job weight rendered by nurse in executing service or professional nursing care. For a while that happened at General Hospital of Sragen is inequitable incentive division, there are no career development, so that felt concerned about will influence the result of nursing care quality. Objective: This Research target is to know the relation between reward system with the nurse performance in executing nursing care at General Hospital of Sragen. Method: This Research represent non eksperimental quantitative, corelational descriptive methode with cross sectional approach and chi square test use. The intake of sample by total sampling that is as much 73 implementer nurses, bachelor degree and the government worker. Research data concerning reward system and nurse performance in executing nursing care obtained by cuesioner given directly to responders. Result: Result of statistical test with the test of Chi Square obtained p value equal to 0,244 ( p value > 0,05) meaning there are no relation between reward system with the nurse performance in executing nursing care at General Hospital of Sragen. Result of this research indicate that the financial reward is not matter influencing nurse performance in executing nursing care. Conclusion: No relation between reward system with the nurse performance in executing nursing care at General Hospital of Sragen. This results indication that need furthermore research about nurse performance in executing related to nursing care by non financial reward.en_US
dc.subjectreward systemen_US
dc.subjectnurse performanceen_US
dc.subjectnursing careen_US

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