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dc.contributor.authorRahmawati, Ayu Candra
dc.contributor.authorZulaekah, Siti
dc.contributor.authorRahmawaty, Setyaningrum
dc.identifier.citationAnwar. TB, 2004. Faktor Risiko Penyakit Jantung Koroner. Bagian Ilmu Gizi Fakultas kedokteran Universitas Sumatera Utara. Digitized by USU digital library Bronchu, M., et al. Coronary risk profiles in men with coronary disease: effects of body composition, fat distribution, age and fitnes. Coronary Artery Diseases. 2000. Dalam: Lipoeto I, Dr., MMedsci, PHD. 2006. Zat Gizi dan Makanan pada Penyakit Kordiovaskuler.Andalas: University Press. Chandola T. 1998. Social inequality in coronary heart disease: a comparison of occupational claaifications. Sosial Science&Medice 1998; 47:525-33. Dalam: Lipoeto I, Dr., MMedsci, PHD. 2006. Zat Gizi dan Makanan pada Penyakit Kordiovaskuler. Andalas: University Press. Kusmana D. 2007. Aktifitas Fisik Membantu Mencegah Aterosklerosis. Diakses tanggal 12 Agustus 2007. 378701.htm Lubis. EN. 2007. Penyakit Jantung Koroner pada anak dan pencegahannya. Bagian ilmu kesehatan anak fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sumatera Utara/ RSUP H. Adam malik Medan. Diakses tanggal 28 September 2007. http: Maulana, M. 2007. Penyakit Jantung Pengertian, Penanganan, dan Pengobatan. Jogjakarta: Penerbit Kota Hati Matthews, KA., et al. 2001. Changes in cardiovascular risk factors during the perimenopause and postmenopause and carotid atherosclerosis in healthy women. Dalam: Lipoeto I, Dr., MMedsci, PHD. 2006. Zat Gizi dan Makanan pada Penyakit Kordiovaskuler. Andalas: University Press.Mensink RP. Dietary monounsaturated fatty acids and serum lipoprotein levels in healty subjects. Atherosklerosis 1994; 110 Suppl: S65-S68. Sigh, RB, et al. 1999. Body fat percent by bioelectrical impedance analysis and risk of coronary artery disease among urban men with low rates of obesity: the Indian paradok. Dalam: Lipoeto I, Dr., MMedsci, PHD. 2006. Zat Gizi dan Makanan pada Penyakit Kordiovaskuler. Andalas: University Press. Soeharto, I, 2004. Serangan Jantung dan Stroke Hubungannya Dengan Lemak dan Kolestrol. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Sumosardjuno. S. 2007. Aktif Bergerak Kurangi Risiko PJK.. Diakses tanggal 26 Agustus 2008. http ; Wamala, SP., Lynch , J., Kaplan, GA. 1999. Women’s exposure to early and later life socioeconomic disadvantage and coronary heart disease risk: the Stockholm Female Coronary Risk Study of Swedish women. Dalam: Lipoeto I, Dr., MMedsci, PHD. 2006. Zat Gizi dan Makanan pada Penyakit Kordiovaskuler. Andalas: University Press. Willet, WC. 1998. Is dietary fat amajor determinant of body fat. Dalam: Lipoeto I, Dr., MMedsci, PHD. 2006. Zat Gizi dan Makanan pada Penyakit Kordiovaskuler. Andalas: University Press. Yahya, FA. Pilihan Terapi Penyakit Jantung Koroner. (12 Agustus 2007).en_US
dc.description.abstractCoronary Heart Disease (CHD) is the cause of death which raises every year. And lack of physical activity are included as the risk of CHD and lack of high fat intake. Cause aterosklerosis and become factors that can raise ratio level between total cholesterol and HDL of the sufferer of CHD. This research is conducted in RSUD DR. Moewardi Surakarta because of high amount CHD in that policlynic.This research is aimed to describe and expalin the relationship between physical activity and the ratio level betwen total cholesterol and HDL of the CHD sufferer of RSUD DR. Moewardi Surakarta. This research is included in the observational research with crossectional approach of this research are 30 suffrers of CHD in RSUD DR. Moewardi Surakarta on April May 2008.The result of his study that there is relationship between physical activity and the ratio between total cholesterol and HDL of the CHD sufferers. Physical activity are factors that influence ratio between total cholesterol and HDL of the suffers of CHD.en_US
dc.subjectPhysical activityen_US
dc.subjectratio between total cholesterolen_US
dc.subjectthe suffers of CHDen_US

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