Model Perlindungan Hukum Profesi Dokter
Purposes of the research are (1) to describe and to explain various causes of
dispute between doctor and patient, (2) to describe and to explain variety of dispute
settlement between doctor and patient and (3) to explore legal protection model for
doctor perspective of a balance between doctor and patient. The research uses a
juridical-sociological approach and it is a descriptive research describing clearly
(probably, it explains/understands to some extent) various things related to studied
object, namely, various causes of dispute between doctor and patient, variety of
dispute settlements between doctor and patient, legal protection model of doctor
profession from perspective of balance of doctor and patient. Results of the research
were: (1) the medical dispute were cause especially is not primarily due to the
passage of the rights and obligations between doctor and patients in a legal
relationship happens, and then it causes dissatisfaction in part of patient; (2)
Dispute settlement between doctor and patient was conducted through litigation
and nonlitigation ways; (3) Legal protection model for doctor consists of therapeutic
relationship aspect, relationship between doctor profession and legal aspect and
dispute settlement aspect.