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dc.contributor.authorPURWADI, DIDIK
dc.identifier.citationAbdul, Hay Marhainis. Tth, Hukum Perdata Material, Jilid Ilmuwan, Pradnya Paramita, Jakarta. Ali, Chidir. 1991. Badan Hukum, Alumni, Bandung. Ali, Chidir, 1982. Himpun Yurisprudensi Hukum Dagang Indonesia, Jilid Ilmuwan, Pradnya Paramita, Jakarta, 1982, hal. 372. Brodjo Soedjono, 1986, “Kedudukan Yayasan Sebagai Badan Hukum Keperdatan”, Tesis, Thesis Program Ilmu Hukum, YGM Ygyakarta, (tidak dipublikasikan). Campbell, Henry. 1990. Black Law Dictionary, St Paul Minn: West Publishing Co. Chatamarrasjid, 2000. Tujuan Sosial Yayasan dan Kegiatan Usaha Bertujuan Laba, PT. Citra Aditya Bakti, Bandung. C.S.T, Kansil, dan Cristine S.T Kansil. 2005. Hukum Perusahaan Indonesia Bag 1, Pradnya Paramita. Gower. Paul L Davies, 1997. Principles of Modern Company Law. London: Sweet Maxwell. Grand Commandary Texas, 1999, The Texas Knights Templar Education Foundation and Education Committe. Hadi, Sutrisno. 2000. Metodologi Research Jilid I. ANDI. Yogyakarta. Hartono, Sri Redjeki, 1995, Pembinaan Cita Ukum dan Penerapan Azas-Azas Hukum Nasional Ditinjau Dati Aspek Hukum Dagang dan Hukum Ekonomi, dalam Pembinaan Cita Hukum dan Penerapan Azas-Azas Hukum Nasional, Jakarta : BPHN. Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional 2010, Renstra Kementrian Pendidikan Nasional 2010-2014. Kementrian Pendidikan Nasional Indonesia.Maria Marrone, tth, “The protection of human rights: foundation for freedom, justice, peace” Presentation of the Education Plan on Human Rights. Preserving Human Rights: A Year-Long Human Rights Education Cou Name of organization: Istituto Comprensivo “Socrate”. Missisippi Education, 2005. Missisippi Power Education Foundation Strategic Plan, Revised Desember 2005. Rido. R., Ali. 2001. Badan Hukum dan Kedudukan Badan Hukum Perseroan Perkumpulan, Koperasi, Yayasan, Wakaf. Penerbit Alumni, Bandung. Rido, Ali, 1977, Badan Hukum dan Kedudukan Badan Hukum, Bandung : Alumni. Rohmad Wahab tth, Implementasi Prinsip Keadilan Sosial Bidang Pendidikan Di Indonesia Pasca Refromasi. Saerjopratikno, Hartono, 1994, Perwakilan Berdasarkan Kehendak, Yogyakarta: Mustikawikasa. S, Nasution. 1992. Metode Penelitian Kualitatif, Tarsito, Bandung. Standar Akta Yayasan dan Undang-Undang Yayasan, Yayasan Kesejahteraan Direktorat Jenderal Administrasi Hukum Umum Departemen Hukum Dan HAM RI, Tahun 2004 Sudewi Sri, et al, 1986, Hukum dan Pribadi, Yogyakarta: Yayasan Penerbit UGM. Soekanto, Soerjono. 1986. Pengantar Penelitian Hukum. UI Press. Jakarta. Soemitro, Ronny Hanitijo. 1990. Metodologi Penelitian Hukum dan Jurimetri. Ghalia Indonesia. Jakarta. Soeroredjo, Hayati. 1989. Status Hukum dari Yayasan dalam Kaitannya dengan Penataan Badan-badan Usaha di Indonesia, Makalah. 15 Desember 1989. Soemitro, Rochmat. 1989. Yayasan, Status Hukum dan Sifat Usaha, Jakarta, 15 Desember 1989. Susanto, R., 1982. Hukum Dagang dan Koperasi, Pradnya Paramita, Jakarta. Sunggono, Bambang. 1998. Metodologi Penelitian Hukum, Rajawali Press, Jakarta, 1998. Tumbuan, Fred BG. 2002. Mencermati Yayasan Sebagaimana Dimaksud UU Yayasan, Makalah, Fakultas Hukum Unika Atmajaya, Jakarta 20 Agustus 2002. Untung, Budi. 2002. Reformasi Yayasan dalam Perpekpektif Manajemen, Andi Yogyakarta.Vicki Louie, DRC Public Relations & Mary Jane Dodge, 2007, MacGillivray Freeman Films Educational Foundation Funds 3,000 Underserved Orange County Students to See “Hurricane on the Bayou” at the Irvine Spectrum IMAX® Theatre, Intermediate Release, Widjaya, Gunawan. 2002. Yayasan di Indonesia Suatu Panduan Kornprehensif, Elex Media Komputindo, Jakarta. Undang-Undang Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata Undang-Undang Nomor 30 Tahun 2004 tentang Jabatan Notaris Undang-Undang Nomor 9 Tahun 2009 Tentang Badan Hukum Pendidikan. Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 28 Tahun 2004 tentang Perubahan atas Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 16 Tahun 2001 tentang Yayasan.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe Foundation is primarily a legal entity which has the sole purpose of a social, religious and humanitarian established by taking into account the formal requirements specified in the legislation. Foundation is basically known as a nonprofit social organization or not profit-oriented in their activities. In the practice of law and custom in Indonesia, it proves that the establishment of foundations have the status of legal entity, this is due to guarantee legal certainty in the foundation. Establishment of educational foundations sets forth in the provisions governing the establishment of the foundation. Foundations of education as a container other than educational institutions should be able to provide encouragement to students to achieve what is expected to learn. Foundations of education as an educational institution should be able to create well-being of learners in learning. Foundations of education shall have a system that can appreciate the needs of the students in learning and achieve learning objectives. Foundations of education must always strive to provide protection to the success of learners learning. The purposes of this study include among others. 1) To determine the educational foundation of universities in Surakarta in the perspective of the protection of learners. 2) To determine the foundation's model of college education in Surakarta which can be recommended in the perspective of the protection of learners. This study took place in the three foundations of education in Surakarta: Dharma Pancasila Surakarta Foundation, Sari Asih Surakarta Foundation, Baruna and Mitra Foundation Insani Klaten. This study is a kind of empirical research. The approach used in this study is a comparative approach (comparative approach). The data used in this study consists of primary data and secondary data. Methods of collecting data in this study use direct observation techniques, interviews and literature study or library research. Techniques of analysis in this study are qualitative analysis techniques with predictive analysis model. The results of the research are namely. 1) Educational foundation in Surakarta basically has socioeconomic characteristics (socio economics foundations). Educational foundation in Surakarta tends to have views that are socialindependence absolute (particularistic socio absolute), which practically the foundation models have dual functions, namely maintaining ideal destination, on the other hand they act as a business entity that has an economic power as a driving force in the achievement of the foundation. 2) The ideal foundation model of higher education must meet such things as the conditions set in the statutes of colleges / universities established by foundations that foster education and really able to carry out the vision, mission and goals. It should capable in providing quality assurance of learning for students (student), capable in providing adequate educational facilities without notice any differences in ethnicity, race, or religion, provide a guarantee of improving the quality of human resources, able to facilitate students, capable in protecting the good name of the foundation and protect learners. It should play a role in improving the quality of human resources and community service, especially in the field of science through a variety of scientific fields.en_US
dc.subjectFoundations of Educationen_US
dc.subjectEducate Participantsen_US

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