This article has successfully aroused the violence of human’s right (HAM) by
communists in the era of ironical HAM afterwards. Such a violence happens in the
form of political force in the course of stricking, imprisoning, torturing, and killing.
Of those motives above, the forces can actually be traced back to its roots,
marxis ideology. According to Galtung, it is an ideology as the cause of such violence.
He exemplifies with the case that most people have done killing for the sake
of ideology. This novel presents an episode significant for the Indonesian historical
background, G30S/PKI. The Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) force aimed to
internalize its ideology in a country, has a great deal of its victims in the nation.
Their violence is far from humanity principles. This case is illustrated by an author
by presenting symbolic Moslem characters as the victims of PKI violence.