When a river mouth has a flat converging shape and when the tidal is relatively high, the river may existence a tidal
bore. A tidal bore found at Kampar River, called Bono, is basically a positive surge may travel long distances upstream
about 60 km of the mouth. The occurrence of a bore has a significant impact on river systems. To understand flow
characteristic where Bono exist, the hydraulic analysis is intended to recognize the water phenomenon throughout the
observed Kampar River under the averaged velocities and the tides. The hydraulic analysis is carried out using HecRAS
software. The hydraulic simulation gives information about water surface profile, velocity, and flow through the channel.
Water surface fluctuations, resulting from simulation, are overlied wih field data. Bono phenomenon can be analog as
undular hydraulics jump in steady state conditions, suggesting high shear stresses beneath the first wave crest.
Consequently bed erosion and scour take place beneath the bore front while suspended matters may be carried upwards
in the following wave motion. This sediment transport may affect changes of river morphology; creates some small
islands in the river and bank erosion near Muda Island and mouth of Serkap River. These sediment deposits can be
explored, however this sand mining should be managed and arranged to maintain the existence of Tidal Bore Bono. Flow
simulation using Hec RAS model predicts flow fluctuations at same places where tidal bores Bono impact also
significantly on ecosystems. Water Salinity near Muda Island is raised significantly 3 hours after the highest Tidal at
Kampar Mouth, following near Sei Serkap an hour later. However at Tanjung Rengas, increasing of salinity is not