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dc.description.abstract | One of the largest religious organization in this nation, which still
exist till today one of them is the Muhammadiyah. Muhammadiyah
presence still exist till now due to it’s attention for the weak society,
including orphans, this study attempts to find religious understanding
about the views of the surrounding Muhammadiyah figures of Klaten
toward orphans. Using empirical and sociological approach, this research
produced the conclusion that, (a) the Muhammadiyah figures
of Klaten have the same view that maintenance of orphans is a mandatory
and an obligation. This orphan’s maintenance according to
some figures is ‘Wajib Aini, and according to some other “wajib
kiifayah”. The differnce of this view can be seen in two perspectives,
namely, normative and sociological perspective. Normative perspective,
this difference view occurs because the conditions which made
reference text teachings of Islam there are legal norms that are mujmal
(global) and specific character, so that is clearly not directed at a single
point of understanding. (B). The Muhammadiyah figures of Klaten have
two views on the form of compensation for the maintenance of orphans.
One Part views that the form of maintenance is done with the
model of orphan charity, but mostly view in the form of boarding management
in which care is managed and domiciled in a boarding. while
a small group view | en_US |