The Effect of Yoghurt Supplementation on Rats (Rattus Norvegicus) that Formaldehyde Exposure on Oxidative Damages and Protease Enzymatic Activities of Gastrointestinal
Formaldehyde is a simplest organic compound of aldehyde or alkanal group.
Formaldehyde is a toxic and carcinogenic substance. Formaldehyde contamination through
food or continuous feeding diet is very dangerous for the body, especially for organ like
hepar and kidney, because formaldehyde is sources of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and
free radicals substances for the body. Purpose of the study is to know the effect of
formaldehyde exposure and yoghurt supplementation on profile and characteristics of rats
(Rattus norvegicus) protein gastrointestinal tissues and protease enzyme activities. The
research methods is laboratory method. The protease enzyme activities were determined by
spectrophotometry method. The result showed that formaldehyde exposure through the
feeding diet of rats affect on oxidative damages, histopathology damage, and protease
activity of gastrointestinal protein tissue. Yoghurt supplementation affect on decreasing on
oxidative damages, histopathology damages, and increasing protease activity of
gastrointestinal tissues.