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dc.description.abstract | This study aims to determine how the pattern formation of migrant (worker) who do their
movement to other areas and the role of activity in their area. The research method used was a
survey approach to offenders and migrant families in the area of origin. Assessment in this study
using the stages and techniques of field survey and analysis of quantitative and qualitative in
order to achieve the expected results in accordance with the purpose of research. Survey research
conducted in the area of origin of migrants, namely in Wonogiri, Central Java. Regional samples
taken include 3 District (Selogiri, Ngadirojo, and Girimarto), with consideration of the area is a
migrant pockets. The results of this study demonstrate the importance of encouraging a tendency
for migrants. Indept Based on field interviews, both respondents and key people who developed
countries should refer to the pattern of the potential or the expertise of the local village
community. This is similar to efforts made by local industry, where the training activity by group
(village) is given in order to improve workforce skills and skill Wonogiri origin. Hope in the
future, can improve quality, especially migrant entrepreneurs conducting migrsi to different
destinations. | en_US |