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dc.contributor.authorS.B, Hermono
dc.contributor.authorSetyaningsih, Wiwik
dc.contributor.authorFatchan, Achmad Karim
dc.contributor.authorPrayitno, Budi
dc.identifier.citationAnonim. 2005. What is ArcGIS 9.0. Esri Press. Anonim. 2006. Rencana Umum Tata Ruang Kota. Pemerintah Kota Surakarta Anonim. 2006. Sistem dan Jaringan Drainase Kota Surakarta. Laporan CV Identitas Anonim. 2007. Manajemen Database Drainase Kota Surakarta. Depart. PU Budi, P, 2006, A Sustainable Regenerative Study for Borneo Tropical Aquapolis Architecture, International Seminar on Sustainable Architecture, SENVAR 2005, ITB, Bandung Budi, P, 2006, Pemodelan Lansekap Kota Tepian Air, Seminar Nasional Pembangunan Lingkungan Perkotaan di Indonesia, Fakultas Arsitektur Lansekap dan Teknik Lingkungan Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta Budi, P, 2005, Aquatic Living Culture of Marine and Riverine Ecopolitan International Seminar in Urban Design ‘Culture of Living’, UGM, Yogyakarta Budi, P, 2005, Bingkai Kepulauan Tata Ruang Permukiman, Seminar Nasional Rumah Untuk Rakyat, Teknik Arsitektur Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana Yogyakarta. Budi, P, 2004, Urban Symbiosis in the Aquatic Public Space, 1st International Seminar in Urban Design, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Budi, P, 2004, The Constructing of Agropolitan in Archipelagic Network Context, International Seminar on Habitat 2004, RIHS-URDI, Bandung Budi, P, 2003, Pemodelan Kota Air di Kalimantan dengan Metoda Eco-Urban Tissue Plan, Simposium Nasional Rekayasa Aplikasi Perancangan dan Industri, UMS Surakarta. Budi, P, 2003, Model Penataan Permukiman Tepian Sungai Berbasis Budaya Huni Kota Air, Seminar in Quality in Risearch, UI, Jakarta. Budi, P, 2001, Kajian Karakteristik Permukiman Sungai di Kalimantan (Buku Hasil Penelitian Tidak Dipublikasikan). Teknik Arsitektur UGM. Digital Watershed . www. David R (25 April 2008). Direktorat Kehutanan dan Konservasi Sumber Daya Air. 2005. Kajian Model Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Terpadu. Eddy Prahasta, 2002. Konsep – Konsep Dasar Sistem Informasi Geografis. Informatika : Bandung. GIS_in_Water Resources_U_of_Kstate. 2006. www. David R Hampton, M, 2005, Local Communities And Economic Development, Annal of Tourism Research Vol.32 Number 3, Britain Hermono, 2006, Peningkatan Peran Masyarakat dan Pemda dalam Pemanfaatan Bengawan Solo, Balitbang Sebranmas, DPU, Jakarta. Hermono, S, 2004, Penelitian Hidraulis pada Pertemuan Sungai Sebagai Upaya Pengendalian Banjir (Studi Kasus Sungai Bone), Jakarta Hermono, S, 2002, Basin Water Resources Management (BWRM), Surakarta Hermono, S, 2001, Degradasi Sungai Palu Sulawesi Tengah, Jakarta Hermono, S, 2000, Tata Cara Perencanaan Teknik Pelindung Tebing dari Pasangan Batu, Dewan Standarisasi National Indonesia, SNI 03-3441-1994. Mikklesen, 2001, Metode Penelitian Partisipatoris dan Upaya-Upaya Pemberdayaan. Yayasan Obor. Jakarta. Miles, MB&A Hubberman, 1992, Analisis Data Kualitatif. Terjemahan: Tjetjep Rohendi Rohidi, Universitas Indonesia Press, Jakarta. Moore, G, T, 1979, Environment Behaviour Studies, Mc. Graw Hill, New York. Pemerintah Republik Indonesia. 2004. Undang – Undang No 7 Tahun 2004 tentang Sumber Daya Air. Suripin. 2003. Sistem Drainase Perkotaan Yang Berkelanjutan. Yogyakarta : Andi. Tim BAPPEDA. 1996-2011. RUTRK & RIPP Dati II Surakarta. Surakarta. Weiler, B., 1992, Environmental And Community Sustainabble Development : In K. Linberg, USA. Weisman, G, 1981, Modelling Environmental Behavior System, journal of Man-Environment Relations Wiwik, S, Hermono, 2008, Sistem Pembuangan dan Pengolahan Air pada Kawasan Heritage Wisata Tirta Pengging, Prossiding Lokakarya Nasional HAD.XVI, 27 Maret 2008, Jakarta. Wiwik, S, Hermono, 2007, Pengelolaan Arboretum Yang Berkelanjutan Sebagai Pendukung Pengendalian Bencana Banjir dan Kekeringan, Prossiding Lokakarya Nasional HAD. XV, 22 Maret, Jakarta. Wiwik, S, 2007, Pengembangan Arboretum Sbg. Alternatip Pengembangan Wana Wisata Melalui Pelestarian Lingkungan Yang Berkelanjutan, Cakra Wisata Puspari Vol. 8 jilid 1– Januari 2007 Wiwik, S, Hermono, 2006, Pengelolaan Kawasan SDA Pengging sebagai Kawasan Wisata Tirta melalui Peningkatan Peran Masyarakat, Prossiding Konferensi Nasional, UNS Surakarta Wiwik, S, Hermono, 2004, Kawasan Umbul Pengging Boyolali Sebagai Wisata Tirta Yang Berkelanjutan, Prosiding Seminar Nasional, Hari Air Dunia XIII 2004, Dep. KIMPRASWIL, Jakartaen_US
dc.description.abstractAbstract : The research was caused by the increasing of environmental damage especially flood. This matter lack of society caring to preserve the environment, that will an effect to city flood, specially to the river water shed. The damages must be intensively and holistic measurement. Unfortunately, this has not done optimally. The water front city as city without flood make comfortable to the society to life in the city. The development of water front city has another advantage beside the core function, that are water tourism, water sport, jogging track, and increasing water table. Because of the society around the river have advantages, they will care and protect the river environment. This research use some method, there were field observations, in depth interview, focus group discussion, and data analysis by interactive methods. The chosen research location at Bengawan Solo River area, Solo. The main purpose of research was to formulate the development of water front city model of society. These was reached to through 3 phase, the first stage (at year 1st) was studying area physical character, and society mapping. The second stage, (at year 2nd), exploration society related to the result of first year and was formulated a draft of water front city development model. The third stage (at year 3rd), executing the coordination’s and socialization of the development of water front city model to related institution. Key word: conservation of environment.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipPEKERTI DIKTIen_US
dc.publisherLPPM UMSen_US
dc.subjectwater front cityen_US

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