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dc.contributor.authorpratiwi, Arum
dc.contributor.authorHanwar, Dedi
dc.contributor.authorSudiyanto, Aris
dc.contributor.authorHermawan, Guntur
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dc.description.abstractNatural disaster take place continually in Indonesia one of the chronically impacts of these disasters is the existing of traumatic sense, in turn, it makes individuals to be depressive. Many studies investigate the relationship among depression, stress, and immune system, called psychoneuroimmunology. The result of the study suggests that stress decrease the ability of immune system, therefore, it can not unction well. Beside that, the people with depression also develop disturbances in their mental status. The long-term objective of this research is decrease the mental disturbance in Indonesia, and specifically it aims to find the model and form of psychopharma, which is used to give therapy for the patients with depression to achieve the recovering of mental status and increasing immune response. The patients with depression need mental therapy to patient their mental from the serious mental disturbance in the future. The patients with depression may run ascorbic acid in the body and may result in the inability to manage the problem and then it can emerge the more serious depression. Ascorbic acid can be used to improve the body immune; this substance exists in the meals in limited number, there fore the body needs must be added by supplementary meals. The problem of the research is, now is the most effective model to treat patients with depression? And the objective of the research is to determine and to find the combination of psychopharma and the model of the effective treatment for the patients with depression in a disaster area. To achieve the objective, it is used Randomized control Trial Double Blinded method, through the ways, year 1, comparing the therapy single dose depression, that is fluoxetine 20 mg, fluoxetine 20 mg combined by ascorbic acid 100 mg and controlled group, consist of normal control and treated control, pre-examining on the mouse of 300 g in weight. Finally, all of groups are assessed their CD4 immune. Year II, the result of first year research, it is given to the depressed patient and compare the coping mechanism, CD 4 immune response, and patients’ response toward the new model of drug. After this research has been conducted, it is expected that the finding will be useful as the new knowledge of the therapeutic model and the drug form to the depressed patient. The result of the data analysis exhibits the mean of CD4 score of the group, who give fluoxetine combined by ascorbic acid is highest than the other group, that is 34.82. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is different among the groups given combined therapy, depressed and control therapy, with 99.336 of F and 0.000 of values. The conclusion of this research is that the combined therapy is a therapy, resulting best immune response CD4 on an acute depression state than the other therapy. The finding of this research is a model and new drug form for depressed patient, which will be examine on the second year.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipBERSAING DIKTIen_US
dc.publisherLPPM UMSen_US
dc.subjectCombination therapeuthic modelen_US
dc.subjectVitamin Cen_US
dc.subjectCD4 Levelen_US

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