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dc.contributor.authorPURWANI, ENI
dc.contributor.authorRETNANINGTYAS, ESTU
dc.contributor.authorWIDOWATI, DYAH
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dc.description.abstractResults of several previous research showed that a lot of native Indonesian spices contain antimicrobials that potentially preservatives. Among those are galangal, curcuma and ginger. Both galangal and ginger oil have been proven having antimicrobial characteristic (13). In curcuma, bioactive substance that potentially antimicrobial are curcumin, desmetoxicumin and bidesmetoxicumin (1). This study was aimed to isolate meat and fish microbes (both fresh and rot), determine number and type of isolates, identify species of isolates, analyze optimum preservative extract concentration based on inhibition zone isolates and analyze type of optimum preservatives based on inhibition zone. Pure experimental with randomized control trial factorial research design was applied. For the first year, total treatment was 4x5x2 with 80 testing isolates, whereas foe the second year, 4x4 treatment with 4 replications. Free variables were models of those natural preservatives, which included inhibition zone, preserving time, and organoleptic characteristics (both physical characteristics and preference) meat and fish. Analysis of variance was applied to show whether there was effects of using natural preservatives from galangal, curcuma and ginger or not to daya ham inhibition zone bat and preserving time.While chi square test was used to show physical characteristics. To show the effects of those natural preservatives application on people’s preference, friedman test was used. This study found that, the microorganisms found were food destructive and pathogen microbes (the isolated microorganisms of meat and fish). The optimum type of preservative was ginger extract based on inhibition zone, in both flesh and fish. Optimum concentration of both ginger and galangal for flesh were 80% and of curcuma was 35%. For fish, optimum concentration of both curcuma and ginger were 35% and of galangal 80%.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipBERSAING DIKTIen_US
dc.publisherLPPM UMSen_US
dc.subjectmicroorganisms of meat and fishen_US
dc.subjectinhibition zoneen_US

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