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dc.description.abstract | Background: The research was conducted to develop the information system model on
nutrition status of child monitoring based on geographical information system (GIS) to support
the plan of increasing the nutrition improvement at the District Health Office, Sukoharjo
Regency. This descriptive research was carried out by implementing interview to subjects who
were involved in the activity of the monitoring. Observation was also performed to two objects,
namely the structure and the procedure of information.
Method: The collected data were analysed descriptively by applying result of structure and the
procedure analysis. The system development was designed by using the approach of FAST
(Framework for the Application of System Techniques) and by using the tools of Data Flow
Diagram and Entity Relationship Diagram.
Results:The observation to the problem, its scope and property as well as the interview with the
subjects indicate that the research subjects at all levels from top managers to persons in the
transactional level as well as those who are at cross section department support the
development of monitoring system to the improvement of nutrition status program, and this
system is reliable to maping perform of nutrition status of child based on the category as severe
malnutrition, under nutrition, normal and overweigt. In the future nutrition information based on
GIS have the benefits of the new system in supporting the monitoring activity toward the nutrition
improvement program and it also supports the plan. Suggestions based on the conclusion might
go to the government health institution to develop spatial or terrestrial data on the health
programs so could designed GIS for the each other program. Moreover, the other model should
be developed GIS in the other spatial data and information can be accessed by informative
map. | en_US |