The land that was increasingly crowded resulting from the inhabitants’s speeding-up pressure, required the utilisation of the
land to be as efficient and as effectively as possible. For this matter must be known by the LUC (Land Use Capability) class
respectively the unit of the land management, so as to be known as early as possible the obstacle factor from the land and could be
done by the utilisation of the land as optimally as possible. The implementation of the LUC determination must be carried out a
stage for the sake of a stage by counting LUC respectively the main factor, so as to be received by LUC-Soil, LUC-Erosion, and
LUC-Slope. The next one of the three of this LUC were just counted by the value of the maximum to appoint LUC Final.
LUC-Slope by being based on the Wischmeier and Smith (1978), LUC-Erosion was counted by using the quantitative MMF
erosion formula (Morgan, Morgan, and Finney), and LUC-Soil by gathering the physical data the field took the form of the
texture data of the land, drainage, solum and the percentage of the rock in the surface. LUC-Erosion and LUC-Soil were
received by 5 LUC classes (I, II, III, IV, IV, and VI), whereas LUC-Slope was received by 7 LUC classes all of them except
the V. LUC I class until IV were recommended for the agricultural crop and LUC V until VIII for the forestry crop. From
11 of Sub Watershed LUC VIII was expanded 107.54 ha to Sub Watershed Sarbar Rao and narrowest to Sub Watershed
Maskara Rao (0.12 ha). On the other hand for LUC II was expanded to Sub Watershed Nawagaon Rao (1136.8 ha) and
narrowest (1.51 ha) to Sub Watershed Shakumbari Rao. The location of the research in Sub Watershed Nawagaon Rao
Mascara the Saharanpur city, India, with the location goegrafis from 30 o 09’ 00" N - 30o 21’ 00" N and longitude 77 o 34’
00" E - 77 o 51’ 00" E, widely the Watershed whole 205.94 km2 or 20594.49 ha. The analysis of the image satelit with IRS
(Indian Remote Sensing) LISS IV in January 2005, the analysis of three dimensions with DEM SRTM, and the map of the
topography of the sheet 53 F/11, 53 F/12, 53 F/15 and 53 F/16. The aim of the research of determining the LUC class
by counting each one of LUC-Soil, LUC-Erosion, and LUC-Slope. The use of the land in the Nawagaon Maskara Rao
Watershed in part: Wheat super (969,26), normal Wheat (2753.7 ha), the Orchard (2103.2 ha), the Forest was rather close
(3930.5 ha), the Forest was open (3352.1 ha), Scrub (168.62 ha), Brush rocky (658.56 ha), and Open land (1814.8 ha). Was
based on results of this research recomendation for LUC VIII was only for the protected forest that might not be touched or produced.