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dc.description.abstractLow intake of food in children may cause a decrease in protein and zinc intake. The low of protein and zinc intake cause the low of children’s imunity, so children will be easier to get infection, such as Acute Lower Respiratory Infection (ALRI). The aim of this research was to know the correlation between nutritional status, protein intake, and zink intake and Acute Lower Respiratory Infection (ALRI) of children age 1-5 years in RW VII, Kecamatan Sewu, Kelurahan Jebres, Surakarta. The type of this research was observational analytic with cross sectional approach. Data of nutritioal status were obtained by measuring of antropometric and interpretation by Z-score (indeks weight for heigh), while data of protein intake were obtained by recall 24 hours in 2 days. Analysis of the data using chi square. The percentage of children who had normal nutritional status was 82,9% and those who were malnutrition was 17,1%. The percentage of children who had inappropriate protein intake was 74,3% and those who had appropriate protein intake was 25,7%. The percentage of children who had inadequate zinc intake was 97,1% and the percentage of children who had adequate zinc intake was 2,9%. Children with ALRI were 65,7% and children without ALRI were 34,3%. This study conclude that there was not any correlation between nutritional status, protein intake and zink intake and Acute Lower Respiratory Infection (ALRI) of children age 1-5 years in RW VII, Kecamatan Sewu, Kelurahan Jebres, Surakarta.en_US
dc.subjectNutrition Statusen_US
dc.subjectProtein Intakeen_US
dc.subjectZinc Intakeen_US
dc.subjectChildren age 1-5 yearsen_US

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