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dc.description.abstract | Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) is a disease characterized increase in progressive renal failure
which is irreversible. CRF as known as a disease associated with food intake expecially plant
protein and heme protein that causes morbidity and mortality CRF patients. This research
aims to know the associations between intake of plant protein and heme protein with ureum
and creatinin level in CRF on hemodialysis outpatients at Dr. Soeradji Tirtonegoro hospital
of Klaten. Type of the research is analytical observasional research with cross-sectional
approach. Techniques subjects using consecutive sampling with total research subjects 22
subjects. Percentage plant protein and heme protein using recall 3x24 hour method, ureum
and creatinin level obtained from spectrofotometric method. The data analysis using pearson
product moment. An adequate of plant protein intake in CRF on hemodialysis outpatients
only 4,5 % and 27,3 % of heme protein. But the intake of plant protein that was not adequate
as big as 95,5 % and 72,7 of heme protein. Most of patients have normal ureum level (63,6
%) but they have high creatinin level (86,4 %). There was no associations between intake of
plant protein and heme protein with ureum and creatinin level of outpatients at Dr. Soeradji
Tirtonegoro hospital of Klaten. | en_US |