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dc.description.abstract | Upper respiratory infections (URI) is one of the major causes of morbidity in infants in developing
countries, including Indonesia. Incidence of respiratory infection in infants can be affected by
factors such as environment at home, parental knowledge of causes of URI. A good knowledge
parents is expected to reduce the incidence of respiratory infection in infants, as well as a healthy
can reduce the incidence of respiratory infection in infants. The purpose of this research
to determine the relationship between parental knowledge about the incidence of URI in infants at
working area of Gatak primary health centre, Sukoharjo. The research method used was correlative
The samples were 71 parents who had babies in the working area of Gatak primary health
Sukoharjo. Sampling technique used was proportional random sampling. Data obtained trough
questionnaire investigates knowledge of the incidence of URI and URI questionnaire. Data analysis
analyzed by Chi Square test. The results showed that 24 respondents (33.8%) had a good knowledge
of URI, 24 respondents (33.8%) had sufficient knowledge, and 23 respondents (32.4%) had less
There were 46 infant respondents (64.8%) who had respiratory infections while 25 other
respondents (35.2%) experienced no incidence of URI. The results of Chi Square test statistic
obtained x
value= 11.307 p=0.004. The conclusion of the study had shown that there was a
relationship between parental knowledge of URI and the incidence of URI in infants at the working area
of Gatak primary health centre, Sukoharjo. | en_US |