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dc.contributor.authorAmalia, Amalia
dc.contributor.authorAchmad, Djedjen
dc.contributor.authorRinawati, Rinawati
dc.identifier.citationAmalia, Murdiyoto A. (2010). ”Karakteristik Beton Limbah Debu Pengolahan Baja (Dry Dust Colector) Pada Berbagai Nilai Faktor Air Semen (Fas)”. Di dalam: Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Berbasis Industri Kreatif untuk Mendukung Kemandirian Masyarakat. Prosiding Seminar Nasional; Depok, 22 November 2010. Jakarta. Unit Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat PNJ. Hlm SI-8-SI-13. Amalia dan Handi S. (2010). ”Karakteristik Mortar dengan Bahan Pengisi Sebagian Limbah Debu Pengolahan Baja”. Jurnal Ultimate. Bandung: Universitas Jendral Achmad Yani. 1-8. Anonim. (2002). SNI 03-2847-2002 tentang Tata Cara Perencanaan Struktur Beton untuk Bangunan Gedung. Badan Standar Nasional. Jakarta. Broto AB, Amalia dan Sudardja H. (2006). ”Karakteristik Aspal Beton dengan Filler Limbah Abu Pengolahan Logam”. Jurnal Politeknologi Vol. 5 No. 2. 131-141. Murdiani KM, dkk. (2006). Pemanfaatan Limbah Gas Kolektor PT. Krakatau Steel Cilegon Sebagai Bahan Campuran Conblock. Laporan PKMP Politeknik Negeri Jakarta. Suryadi, Akhmad. (2007). Hubungan Tegangan Regangan Beton Mutu Tinggi dengan Pasir Besi Sebagai Cemen-titious. Digilib ITS : Abstrak. 31000003018214/1152.en_US
dc.identifier.issn1411- 8904
dc.description.abstractSteel dust collector concrete is concrete with added material processing steel dust waste. In the reinforced concrete structures design, for modeling the behavior of concrete materials in the burden needs to know the form of stress strain curves and modulus of elasticity. This research aims to investigate the stress strain behavior and modulus of elasticity of steel dust collector concrete. Test speciment is used a concrete cylinder with 15 cm diameter and 30 cm height. The mixture of concrete was water cement ratio (w/c) varried: 0.68, 0.57 and 0.51 as well as the amount of waste 0% and 10%. Stress strain behavior and modulus of elasticity of concrete was tested at 28 days. The results of this study indicates that compressive strength and modulus of elasticity of concrete has increased with the addition of waste steel dust collector. Modulus of elasticity of steel dust collector concrete is higher than the formulation of SNI-03-2847-2000. Form of stress strain diagram of steel dust collector concrete is steeper than the concrete without waste. The maximum strain of concrete with no waste is higher than concrete waste. Strain at peak load of the steel dust collector concrete with w/c 0,51 has increased. Based on the stress strain diagram form and collapse model, steel dust collector concrete is more brittle than concrete without waste.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectsteel dust collector concreteen_US
dc.subjectstress strain concreteen_US
dc.subjectmodulus of elasticity of concreteen_US
dc.titleStress Strain Behaviour And Modulus Of Elasticity Of Steel DustCollector Concreteen_US
dc.title.alternativePerilaku Tegangan Regangan Dan Modulus Elastisitas Beton Limbah Debu Pengolahan Baja (Steel Dust Colector)en_US

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