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dc.contributor.authorTrinugroho, Suhendro
dc.contributor.authorAziiz, Shafan Abdul
dc.identifier.citationMulyoni, Tri. (2004). Teknologi Beton, Andi Offset, Yogyakarta. Pathurahman, J.F., Kusuma, D.A. (2003). Aplikasi Bambu Pilinan Sebagai Tulangan Balok Beton. Jurusan Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Mataram, Nusa Tenggara Barat. Rochman, Abdul. (2005). Peningkatan Kinerja Tulangan Bambu pada Balok Beton Bertulang dengan Cara Perbaikan Kuat Lekat. Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Team Mahasiswa Program Magister Teknik Teknologi Bahan Bangunan., UGM. (2007). Pemanfaatan Bambu Sebagai Bahan Alternatif pada Konstruksi Bangunan Sederhana, Jurnal Pendidikan Profesional, Departemen Pekerjaan Umum (DPU), Bandung. Tjokrodimuljo, K. (1993). Teknologi Beton. Biro Penerbit Keluarga Mahasiswa Teknik Sipil Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta. Triyadi, S., Harapan, A. (2007). Kajian Perumahan di Kawasan Gempol Bandung : Tinjauan dari Sistem Struktur dan Konstruksi Bangunan, Bandung. Yap, Felix. (1983). Bambu Sebagai Bahan Bangunan, Dept. Pekerjaan Umum Direktorat Jenderal Cipta Karya, Direktorat Penyelidikan Masalah Bangunan, Bandung.en_US
dc.identifier.issn1411- 8904
dc.description.abstractPanel walls is one result of technological developments in the field of concrete pre-press. Precast wall is not a structural element, which has strived in its use of relatively light weight so as not to give excessive weight to the structure of the building. Steel is a mineral product that will run out one day existence. To overcome these problems, as an alternative to steel reinforcement attempted use of bamboo as having a high tensile strength, inexpensive and widely available. Research carried out now is to find the composition of the mortar mix that has the greatest compressive strength. Then the mortar mixture composition with the greatest compressive strength combined with a few variations of the added material. Variations include mortar made of materials that were added to fly ash (fly ash) from the combustion of coal, mortar with fly ash added materials (fly ash) and glue the concrete and mortar with fly ash added materials (fly ash) and gypsum. Percentage of fly ash added material (fly ash) 12.5% of the weight of cement, concrete and gypsum while the glue is 0%, 5%, 7%, 9% of the weight of cement. Of the several variations of the mortar mix to be studied is the best mix to be made as a wall panel. Having obtained the best mix of the mortar mix is combined with a bamboo reinforcement lear / rope (Gigantochloa lear Kurtz) to be made wall panels, which aims to increase the bending stress of the panel wall. Reinforcement is used there are 2 variations of form, which is shaped cross-woven and woven flats. Based on the research results obtained by the composition of the best mix is 1 cement: 5 sand, the compressive strength obtained at 28 days of 10.690 MPa. Once given the wide variety of added material, obtained by adding fly ash materials (fly ash) 12.5%, which can increase the compressive strength of mortar to 14.815 MPa, at the age of 28 days. An increase in compressive strength of mortar at 38.59% pure. Then from the mortar with added ingredients combined with reinforcement made of bamboo for wall panels. With 2 different variations of reinforcement, that is woven and woven cross-stacking. Values obtained from testing the bending stress of 619,831.80 kg/m2 for wall panels with reinforcement shape stacking, and 494,164.77 kg/m2 to form a wall panel with woven reinforcement.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectfly ashen_US
dc.subjectconcrete glueen_US
dc.subjectwall panelsen_US
dc.subjectthe bending stressen_US
dc.titleReview Strength Panel Wall Reinforced Bamboo With Added Material Fly Ash, Gypsum And Concrete Glueen_US
dc.title.alternativeTinjauan Kekuatan Dinding Panel Bertulangan Bambu Dengan Bahan Tambah Abu Batu Bara (Fly Ash), Gypsum Dan Lem Betonen_US

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