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dc.contributor.authorSuwardi, Suwardi
dc.identifier.citationAnonim. (1996). Perhitungan Biaya Operasional Kendaraan, Departemen Perhubungan Darat Penerbit Departemen Perhubungan Darat Jakarta. Anonim. (2000). Perhitungan Biaya Operasional Kendaraan Taksi, Departemen Perhubungan Darat Penerbit Departemen Perhubungan Darat Jakarta. Anonim. (1997). Sistem transportasi, Buku Pegangan Kuliah, Penerbit Universitas Guna Darma Jakarta. Anonim. (1997). Manual Kapasits Jalan Indonesia, Departemen Perhubungan Penerbit, Departemen Perhubungan Jakarta. Munandar. (2000). Kinerja Finansial Operasi taksi di Bandung, Thesis S2 Bandung. Kurniati. (2004). Analisis Tingkat Kebutuhan angkutan taksi Kota Bandung dengan Teknik Statet reference, ITB Bandung. Sadono. (2004). pengkajian Sistem Usaha Taksi di bandung paka krisis. ITB Bandung. Sitanggang. (2005). Evaluasu Biaya Operasional Perusahaan Taksi di Jakarata. ITB Bandung. Sugiyono. (2009). Metode penelitian Kuantitatif Kulitatif dan R&D, Alfabeta, Bandung. Suwardi. (2005). Angkutan Umum, Penerbit Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta di Surakarta. Suwardi. (2005). ”Analisis Biaya Operasiona Kendaraan dan Penetapan tari Bus Kota 10 Jalur Di Surakarta.” Dina-mika Teknik Sipil Terakreditasi Vol.7, No.1, Januari 2007(UMS). Tamim O.Z. (2001). Perencanaan da Permodelan Transportasi. Buku Diktat, Penerbit IT Bandung. Tamim O.Z. (2002). Konsep Pengembangan Sistem Transportasi Wilayah Era Otonomi Daerah, Buku Diktat, Bape-nas Jakarta. Tamim O.Z. (2007). Peningkatan Pelayanan Angkutan Umum Sebagai Alternatif Pemecahan Masalah Transpor-tasi Perkotaan, Buku Diktat, ITB Bandung. Tamim O.Z. (2006). Usaha Peningkatan Transportasi Perkotaan di Indonesia, Buku Diktat, ITB Bandung. Viasmudji. (2005). Kajian Tarif Angkutan Taksi di Kota Makasar, Thesis S2 Bandung. Waparni S. (1990). Merencanakan Sistem Perangkutan Buku Diktat, Penerbit ITB Bandung. Yosritzal. (2001). Model Pemilihan Moda dan Tingkat kebutuhan angkutan Taksi di kota padang, ITB Bandung.en_US
dc.identifier.issn1411- 8904
dc.description.abstractSurakarta which has 44.06 km2 of total area, total population is 515,372 inhabitants. Surakarta is a administration city, residency city, batik city and culture city that now is growing rapidly, so it needs an adequate public transportation. The public transport including public transport of taxis. At present, public transport taxis in Surakarta is not yet sufficient quality, so it needs good management to improve the performance. One of management is to change the individual management system into the integrated management system. The goal of research to analysis of a balanced public transportation taxis between demand and supply with the integrated management system. The benefits of research for inputs to the government as the policy holder. For employers with affordable rates but still make a profit, for users with affordable rates but still easy to get a taxi. The method used is descriptive analysis. The results of analysis is taxi conditions on the ground, comprising 6 PO Taxi, with the amount of 479 fleet, total distance traveled is 228 km / day, contents mileage is 157 km / day, operating time is 22 hours / day, the travel time is 8 hours / day, load factor 69% of the load, load factor 37% of the time, tariff based on the operational cost of Rp. 2769, -/km. After having evaluated using the guidelines from the Department of Land Transportation, the amount taxis 412 of fleet, mileage traveled is 266 km / day, contents mileage is 182 km / day, operating time is 22 hours / day, travel time is 9 hours / day, load factor 70% of load, load factor 43% of time, rate based on the operational cost is Rp. 2410, -/km. Having evaluated using the integrated management arrangements fleet of 285 taxis, total mileage is 285 km / day, contents mileage is 235 km / day, operating time is 22 hours / day, journey time is 12 hours / day, load factor 67% of load, load factor 53% of time, tariff based on the operational cost is Rp. 1662, -/km, taxi fares in the field is Rp. 2750, -/km. The characteristics of user expect taxi cabs are: the desired speed 35-40 km / h, the desired waiting time 3-6 minutes, user satisfaction is quite satisfied and willingness to pay Rp taxi users. 2500, -/km.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectIntegrated Managementen_US
dc.titleDesign Of Fleet Needs, Determination Tariff Of Public Transport With Integrated Management In Surakartaen_US
dc.title.alternativeDesain Kebutuhan Armada, Penetapan Tarif Angkutan Umum Taksi Dengan Pengelolaan Manajemen Di Surakartaen_US

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