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dc.contributor.authorSetiyaningsih, Ika
dc.identifier.citationD. Novirani. Kajian Tarif Shuttle service Terhadap Vihicle Operation Cost Operator,Ability To Pay(ATP) dan Willingness To Pay(WTP) Penumpang (Review of Shuttle Service Tariff Against the Operator’s Vehicle Operational Cost, Ability To Pay (ATP)and Willingness To Pay (WTP) Passenger). Thesis . Engineering Faculty ITB., Bandung, 2007. E.K. Morlok. Pengantar Teknik dan Perencanaan Transportasi (Introduction to Transportation Engineering and Planning). Penerbit Erlangga., Jakarta 1991. F.D. Hobbs. Perencanaan dan Teknik Lalu Lintas (Planning and Traffic Engineering). Translated by Suprapto and Waldiyono. UGM., Yogyakarta, 1995. M. Siregar. Beberapa Masalah Ekonomi dan Management Perangkutan(Some Problems of Transportation Economics and Management, Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia, Jakarta.,1990. R.E.Walpole and R.H. Myers. Ilmu Peluang dan Statistik untuk Insinyur dan Ilmuwan (Science of Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists). Translated by R.K.Sembiring. ITB Press., Bandung, 1986. S. Hadi. Statistik (Statistics), Penerbit Andi Offset., Yogyakarta, 1989. S. Warpani. Merencanakan Sistem Perangkutan (Transportasion System Planning). ITB Press., Bandung, 1990. O.Z. Tamin et al. Evaluasi Tarif Angkutan Umum dan Analisa Ability to Pay (ATP) dan Willingness to Pay (WTP) di DKI Jakarta, Journal of Transportation FSTPT ITS., Surabaya. 1999: 134en_US
dc.description.abstractDetermining the amount of public transport fares often creates a conflict of interest between public transport operators and users. Usually the problem will arise if the community has Ability To Pay (ATP) and Willingness To Pay (WTP) lower than the amount of public transportation tariffs set by the Government. Especially for those who are captive users including community groups who rely on public transportation and have no other choice alternatives. This study focuses on the ideal tariff which willing and able to be paid by the user. ATP analysis based on socio economic characteristics user such as family income, total transportation cost, and total budget allocation for transport. WTP can be determine from user percepsion of service quality provide by the operator. Data was collected by questioner. The respondent were the passenger of AKAP economic bus with air conditioner facility, route Yogyakarta-Surabaya which represent by PO. Mira. It was found that the current tariff (Rp 38.000,00) already meet the limits set by the Government, between Rp 30,000.00 - Rp 48,000.00. The current tariff was also lower than ATP (Rp 42.600,00) and higher than WTP (Rp 35.600,00). That is, the current conditions of service, users are able and willing to pay the applicable rates. Based on the BOK (vehicle operational cost), ATP, and WTP, it was found that the ideal tariff should be between Rp 34.200,00 – Rp 35.600,00.en_US
dc.subjectability to payen_US
dc.subjectwillingness to payen_US
dc.titlePassenger Socio Economic Approach and Service Quality of Public Transport in Determining Bus Fareen_US

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