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dc.description.abstract | This article presents high school budgeting and the significance high school performance
measurement and why the relation between high school budget and high school performance
measurement. A budget is a document that proposes income and expenditures for an annual
period. The annual budget becomes the dominant management tool for planning, organizing,
coordinating and controlling activities. High school budgets may be used for co-ordinating the multipurpose
activities of a high school. Performance measurement is a vital part of the new managerialism
in high school. They essentially measures the productivity and efficiency. The results may be used for
assessing the overal effectiveness and efficiency of the high school activities. High school budget is one
of performance indicator. Measuring the performance of high school is difficult and calls for a complex
mosaic of indicators. Performance indicators of a high school can be classified into: curriculum, student,
teacher and officer, teaching aids and infra structure, school organization and management, financial
and social participation | en_US |