Pengelolaan Pembelajaran Ekonomi Sekolah Standar Nasional
The objective of the study is to describe the characteristic of economy
learning management at SMP Negeri 1 Ngrampal Sragen. Specifically, the
objectives of the study are: 1) to describe the characteristics of teachers’ activities
in teaching Economy; 2) to describe the characteristics of students’ activities in
learning Economy; and 3) to describe the characteristics of teacher-students
interaction in learning Economy. It is qualitative research using ethnography design
to understand the view point of SMP Negeri 1 Ngrampal Sragen regarding the
characteristics of teachers’ activities in teaching Economy, the characteristics of
students’ activity in learning Economy, and the characteristics of teacher-student
interaction in learning Economy. The techniques of collecting data are observation,
interview, and document. The data are analyzed through data reduction, data
display, and drawing conclusion and its verification. The result of the study shows
that: 1) the characteristics of teachers’ activities in teaching Economy can be viewed
from planning conducted by teacher, in which they prepare learning material and
tools, in implementing learning by using various methods of teaching, and
evaluation by conducting tests, 2) the characteristics of students’ activities in
learning Economy can be seen from learning activity divided into two sessions
that are review and practice demanding active participation of students and
discussion session followed by presentation, 3) the characteristics of teacherstudent
interaction can be seen from pre-learning to closing containing interaction
about the material.