Upaya Peningkatan Hasil Tes Masuk Kerja melalui Bimbingan Karir pada Siswa Kelas XII C SMK Muhammadiyah I Surakarta Semester Gasal Tahun Pelajaran 2011/2012
The aim of this research is to know whether there is or not the increasing the
test result for entering the job area by career guidance for the students
class XII C of SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta semester I 2011/2012 academic
year. The research was conducted in 5 months from July until December 2011.
Research subject was class XII C. Research procedure was classroom action
research. Techniques of data gathering were test and non test. The tools for data
gathering were writing test items, interview and observation. The research result
guidance was conducting through career guiding for increasing students’ test result
for entering the job. A good factor of interaction with the teacher increase 24,98%.
A good affectivity factor in learning increase 33,34%. The responsibility factor in
learning increase 12,5%. Attendance aspect did not increase. Test for entering
job increased, the lowest score increased 13,2%. The highest scores increased
1,14%. The average scores inceased 6,65%.