Optimalisasi Motivasi Berprestasi dan Dampak Pendidikan Karakter Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Materi Himpunan melalui Pendekatan Konstruktivisme pada Siswa SMP
The aims of the research are to describe achievement motivation, character
education, study achievement of students of grade VII B SMP Negeri 3
Teras Boyolali 30 students. Method of data collection uses observation,
questionaire, documentation, and test. The research shows that: 1) constructivism
approach can optimize teacher readiness in teaching learning process from the
beginning to cycle II which increases 47,1%; 2) constructivism approach can
optimize class readiness from the start to cycle II which increases 48%; 3)
constructivism approach can optimize achievement motivation from the beginning
to cycle II which increases 43%; 4) constructivism can optimize character education
from the start to cyle II which increases 33%; 5) constructivism can optimize
students’ study achievement from the sart to cylce II which increases 40%; 6)
constructivism approach can optimize achievement motivation, character education,
and achivement study of mathematics set, because students can build their own
knowledge althogh within the teacher’s guidance.