Manajemen Strategik Pemerolehan Bahasa Anak Tunarungu
The aim of research is to get description about language acquisition for the
deaf children especially management of the headmaster’s, teachers
strategy, the function of equipment and communication climate in SLB B
Karnnamanohara Yogyakarta. The research uses the fenomenological qualitative
approach with the data resources from the headmaster, teacher and dokumentation
in SLB B Karnnamanohara Yogyakarta. The technique of collecting data is
interview, observation and documentation. The technique of analyzing data is
interactive analysis. The result of this research are 1) the headmaster applies the
strategik management by environment analysis, vision and mission decision and
obyective, and applies the strategies that include the activities of strategy
formulation, the implenentation of strategies and control of strategic.The enviroment
analysis is done becouse of there is no school uses the oral method. Finally, the
oral method in reflective maternal is chosen and decided for this term. 2) The
implementation of the teaching and leraning activities by making program, syllabus
and learning plan. Besides, teachers use reflective mathernal method in their
learning. Theacher make evaluation in the prosses and in summative test. The
enrichement program are done through the spoken counceling activities and
developing language. 3) In the class have a mirror, same pictures and color for
identification. The seats are arranged in half circle. There is a special room for
spoken councelling and BPBI with the all eqiupments. 4) The school communication
climate is done becouse of the believeness, the altogether decision, the honesty,
the open information and give the attention toward the aim of the hight works. The
conclusion result, language acquisition for the deaf children can be halped by
making school uses basic oral method and making confersation habit among the
children, using the learning strategy of reflective maternal method. And serving
the mirror in the class many pictures that full of colors.