Pola Sinergik Faktor Eksogenus dan Endogenus dalam Pembentukan Kinerja Sekolah
The aim of this study is to explain a synergy model between endogenous
factors (teachers’ motivation and schools’ performance) and exogenous
factors (teachers’ professional competency and the organization climate) for creating
and increasing the school performance. The special purposed was to determine:
1) Teachers’ professional competency contribution towards teachers’ motivation
in High School at Blora , 2) Organization climate contribution towards the teachers
motivation in High School at Blora, 3) Teachers perception about the headmasters
leadership and teachers motivation contribution towards the High School
performance at Blora; 4) Teachers’ motivation Contribution towards the High School
performance at Blora, and 5) teachers’ professional competency contribution
towards high school appearance at blora has direct or indirect. The result that
expected information shape for government and the headmasters, so that they
can be used as an input for improving the performance of schools and the teachers,
and so they can obtain feedback of their efforts for improving its performance.This
quantitative research approach, used for test the direct and indirect contribution
of the professional competency, organizational climate and teachers perception
about the headmasters leadership towards the motivation and schools performance
in High School in Blora District. The analyses method used the Structural Equation
Modeling (SEM). Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) are a set of statistical
techniques that allow testing of a relatively complex series of relationships
simultaneously. The population in this study were all High School teachers in
Blora is 160 people certified and samples were 114 High School teachers in Blora.
The research results showed: 1) the teachers’ professional competency give directly
and significantly contribution towards teachers’ motivation; 2) the organizational
climate contributes directly and significantly to the motivation of high school
teachers working as a certified Blora; 3) perceptions of principal leadership to
contribute directly and significantly to the high school teachers’ motivation, 4) the
teachers’ motivation give directly and significantly contribute to the schools
performance, and 5) the headmasters leadership have a direct relationship towards
the schools performance, while the teachers professional competency and
organizational climate has no relation with the Schools’ performance.