Model Pendidikan Anak-Anak Miskin di Kota Surakarta
The purpose of this study is: To know how to model education of poor
children in the city of Surakarta during this time, how the evaluation model
appropriate education for poor children in the city of Surakarta, knowing the
implementation of the educational model and the constraints whatever happens,
and what’s the solution. Methods This study used a qualitative research design
by study field. The perspective used is phenomenological perspective. The
research uses a naturalistic approach to search and find understanding or
comprehension of the phenomenon in a particular contextual setting. The results
suggest that the model of education conducted by the Department of Education,
Your and Sport (Education Office) Surakarta City, overall good of SD/MI, SMP/
MTs, high school, and vocational school and get all formal Graduation Certificate
or diploma as a sign completion of education. Model education of poor children in
Social Service Manpower in Surakarta, first for poor children and abandoned in
the identification of suitable conditions respectively, partially incorporated into
formal education possessed Disdikpora like high school / vocational school with
no extra at all costs. Some were put in orphanages to get a model of nursing
education in the form of skills can then immediately work according to their skills,
and some are managed by non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Education
model in LSM SARI is non-formal education focuses on skill-oriented education to
work to earn money to support their families, and some form of formal education,
the educational institution or skills (LPK). While the educational model at the
Orphanage Pamardi Yoga, more oriented child care, because these children attend
formal education in schools. Model Nur Hidayah Foundation education there is
formal, ie breathing Islamic education in schools, which ended with getting a
diploma, and some models there is an orphanage. Education model in NGOs are
collaborations between special education services and educational equality, some
are educational life skill, and some form of libraries and madrassas around. From
the aspect of understanding “because motive” why they are the work of child
labor because they could earn in the form of money.