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dc.contributor.authorWidyaningtyas, Yeni
dc.identifier.citationDawes, Milton. 2012. Advanced Thinking: Mathematics, General Semantics… Ways To Improve Relationships. Diakses pada 12 Oktober 2012 dari Dick dan Carey. 2009. Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Terhadap Proses Pembelajaran. Bandung : Pustaka Setia. Effendi, Onang Uchana. 2009. Ilmu Komunikasi Teori dan Praktek. Bandung: Remaja Rosda Karya. Hilbert, dkk. 2008. Succesfully carrying out complex learning-task through guiding teams’ qualitative and quantitative reasoning. Diakses pada 20 Oktober 2012 dari Pomalato, Sarson W. Dj. 2006. Mengembangkan Kreativitas Matematik Siswa dalam Pembelajaran Matematika melalui Pendekatan Model Treffinger. Diakses pada 27 Oktober 2012 dari Sofa. 2011. Model Pembelajaran Kreatif dari Treffinger. Diakses pada 25 Oktober 2012 dari Sumarmo. 2010. Penalaran matematika Tingkat Perguruan Tinggi . Bandung : Sinar Baru Algensindo. Waliyatimas, Sarson. 2008. Pengaruh Penerapan Model Treffinger pada Pembelajaran Matematika dalam Mengembangkan Kemampuan Kreatif dan Pembelajaran Matematika Siswa. Disertasi: UPI (dipublikasikan). Diakses pada 26 Oktober 2012 dari Wood, Leigh N. 2011. Practice and conceptions: communicating mathematics in the workplace.Diakses pada 23 Oktober 2012 dari
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study is to describe an increase in communication and mathematical reasoning skills students after learning with the learning model Treffinger Inequality Matter Linear Equations and One Variable. Research carried out by using basic methods of observation and field notes as well as the test methods and documentation aids. Analysis use reduction, presentation, and conclusion. Subjects are student VIIA of SMP Negeri 2 Wuryantoro many as 36 students. The study was conducted two rounds, the first round of the given strategy discussion, whereas in the second round with the strategy discussions and presentations. The results of this study showed an increase in the indicatorindicator reasoning and communication skills, namely: (1) the ability to answer questions that the teacher increased from 5.7% to 63.8%, (2) ability to provide feedback during the learning process takes place increased from 14 , 3% to 44.4%, and (3) the ability to make inferences from the results of the learning is done rose 5.7% to 52.8%. From the study it can be concluded that learning Treffinger of model can improve the ability of reasoning and communication skills math, students VIIA of SMP Negeri 2 Wuryantoro.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectTreffinger of modelen_US
dc.subjectMathematical reasoningen_US
dc.titleMeningkatkan Penalaran Dan Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematika Menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Treffinger Materi Persamaan Dan Pertidaksamaan Linear Satu Variabelen_US

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